The Student Accounts website provides information on tuition fees. Note that PhD and Master’s thesis programs are NOT impacted by recent government announcements. See below for a summary regarding tuition increases for 2024-2025 at the graduate level:
Master’s thesis and PhD programs:
- The recent announcement from the Quebec government regarding out-of-province and international student fees does not impact thesis students
- Tuition for these programs is expected to increase by 3% (same as last year)
- PhD students from the rest of Canada will continue to pay Quebec fees
Master’s non-thesis programs:
- The impact of the recent announcement from the Quebec government is expected to be minimal for international non-thesis students
- Tuition rates for new international non-thesis students will increase by 5%. A summary table of the tuition rates for new students admitted for 2024-2025 can be consulted here.
- Tuition rates for returning international non-thesis students will increase by 3% (comparable to previous years)
- Tuition rates for newly enrolled out-of-province non-thesis students will increase from $9,000 to $12,000 per year.