Research Agenda
To maximize the capacity for effective knowledge translation and innovation for mental health care in resource-scarce countries, action research initiatives must engage with local priorities and perspectives. Multilevel, trans-disciplinary approaches must therefore be grounded in a dialogue with and understanding of local cultures as a basis for an inclusive and responsive GMH agenda. The GMHP research agenda places particular emphasis on the wider molar context in which mental health problems arise, are experienced, interpreted and cared for, which is reflected in research on the social, cultural, environmental and economic determinants of mental health and illness.
The specific strengths of McGill’s Global Mental Health agenda are:
- Participatory action research
- Building collaboration and partnerships with local communities
- Cultural adaptation of research tools and scales
- Culturally sensitive implementation science
- Investigating the social determinants of mental health
- Critical investigation of the production of ‘evidence’ in mental health
Interdisciplinarity & International Partnerships
The GMH Program links not only McGill faculty and students among each other, but also with colleagues across Montreal, Canada and around the world. It has established partnerships with research teams in Canada and low and middle-income countries through collaborative projects. Committed to fostering interdisciplinary perspectives on Global Mental Health, the steering community of GMHP includes faculty from anthropology, epidemiology, family medicine, law, physical and occupational therapy, psychiatry, psychology, social studies of medicine, and social work.
McGill's Laurence Kirmayer, Duncan Pedersen, and Jaswant Guzder at Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Steering Committee
Anne Andermann, Family Medicine
Marc Laporta, WHO Collaborating Centre
Raphael Lencucha, Physical and Occupational Therapy
Monica Ruiz-Casares, Psychiatry
Daniel Weinstock, Institute for Health and Social Policy
Administrative Coordinator
Consuelo Errazuriz