Publications 2014

Written textbooks and textbook chapters

  1. Kost, KM (2014) Advanced Airway Management-Intubation and Tracheotomy Chapter 64 (page 908-944) in Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery-Otolaryngology, Johnson JT, Rosen CA (editors) Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  2. Kost K., (2014). Percutaneous Tracheostomy. Chapter 34 (page 307-321) in Master Techniques in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Myers EN, Ferris RL (editors) Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams&Wilkins
  3. Kost K., Eibling D., (2014). Geriatric Otolaryngology: An Emerging Subspecialty. Chapter 16 (page 313-331) in Recent Advances in Otolaryngology, Lalwani AK and Pfister MHF (editors) Jaypee Publishers
  4. Tewfik T.L., Sobol SE, Kanaan AA: Congenital Anomalies of the Larynx. In: John Rubin, Robert T. Sataloff, and Gwen Corovin (Eds.) Diagnosis and Treatment  of Voice Disorders  Plural publishing, San Diego. 4th edition, Chapter25, May 2014, pp. 2093-2211
  5. Orbelo, D. M., Li, N. Y. K. & Verdolini, K. (2014).  Lessac Madson resonant voice therapy in the treatment of secondary muscle tension dysphonia. In J. C. Stemple & E. R. Hapner (Ed.), Voice therapy: Clinical Studies (4th ed.). San Diego: Plural Publishing.

   Published articles in print

  1. Baumann O, Borra RJ, Bower JM, Cullen KE, Habas C, Ivry RB, Leggio M, Mattingley JB, Molinari M, Moulton EA, Paulin MG, Pavlova MA, Schmahmann JD, Sokolov AA. Consensus Paper: The Role of the Cerebellum in Perceptual Processes. Cerebellum. 2014 12/6
  2. Luebke A,  Holt CJ, Jordan P, Wong YS, Caldwell J, and Cullen, KE. Loss of α-Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide (αCGRP) Reduces the Efficacy of the Vestibuloocular Reflex (VOR) The Journal of Neuroscience, epub, 2014.
  3. Carriot J, Jamali M, Chacron MJ, and Cullen, KE. Statistics of the vestibular input experienced during natural self-motion: implications for neural processing. The Journal of Neuroscience, 34(24):8347-57, 2014.
  4. Oman CM and Cullen KE. Brainstem processing of vestibular sensory exafference: implications for motion sickness etiology.  Experimental Brain Research, 232(8):2483-92, 2014.
  5. Brooks JX and Cullen KE. Early vestibular processing does not discriminate active from passive self-motion if there is a discrepancy between predicted and actual proprioceptive feedback. Journal of Neurophysiology, 111(12): 2465-78, 2014.
  6. Cullen KE and Brooks JX. Consulting the vestibular system is simply a must if you want to optimize gaze shifts. Brain, 137(Pt 4):978-80, 2014.
  7. Cullen KE. The neural encoding of self-generated and externally applied movement: implications for the perception of self-motion and spatial memory. Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience, 13;7:108 2014.
  8. Jamali M, Mitchell DE, Dale A, Carriot J, Sadeghi SG, and Cullen, KE. Neuronal detection thresholds during vestibular compensation: contributions of response variability and sensory substitution. The Journal of Physiology. 592(Pt 7):1565-80, 2014.
  9. Bezdjian A, Mujica-Mota MA, Azzi M, Daniel SJ. Assessment of ototoxicity of tea tree oil in a chinchilla animal model. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;78(12):2136-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.09.023. Epub 2014 Oct 2.
  10. Peleva E, Aloy E, Carret AS, Daniel SJ. Hearing loss in a pediatric patient following cisplatin chemotherapy and subsequent exposure to excessive noise. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;78(12):2301-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.08.039. Epub 2014 Sep 1.
  11. Daniel SJ, Cardona I. Cricothyroid onabotulinum toxin A injection to avert tracheostomy in bilateral vocal fold paralysis. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Sep;140(9):867-9. doi: 10.1001/jamaoto.2014.1515.
  12. Mujica-Mota MA, Ibrahim FF, Bezdjian A, Devic S, Daniel SJ. The effect of fractionated radiotherapy in sensorineural hearing loss: an animal model. Laryngoscope. 2014 Oct;124(10):E418-24. doi: 10.1002/lary.24756. Epub 2014 Jul 30.
  13. Peleva E, Emami N, Alzahrani M, Bezdjian A, Gurberg J, Carret AS, Daniel SJ. Incidence of platinum-induced ototoxicity in pediatric patients in Quebec. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2014 Nov;61(11):2012-7. doi: 10.1002/pbc.25123. Epub 2014 Jun 29.
  14. Zawawi F, Cardona I, Akinpelu OV, Daniel SJ. Acute Mastoiditis in Children with Cochlear Implants: Is Explantation Required? Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Jun 4. pii: 0194599814536686. [Epub ahead of print].
  15. Salehi P, Akinpelu OV, Waissbluth S, Peleva E, Meehan B, Rak J, Daniel SJ. Attenuation of Cisplatin Ototoxicity by Otoprotective Effects of Nanoencapsulated Curcumin and Dexamethasone in a Guinea Pig Model. Otol Neurotol. 2014 May 16. [Epub ahead of print].
  16. Daniel SJ, McIntosh M, Akinpelu OV, Rohlicek CV. Hearing outcome of early postnatal exposure to hypoxia in Sprague-Dawley rats. J Laryngol Otol. 2014 Apr 15:1-5. [Epub ahead of print].
  17. Daniel SJ, Cardona I. Onabotulinum toxin A for the treatment of sialorrhea in familial dysautonomia. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 May;78(5):879-81. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.02.011. Epub 2014 Feb 15.
  18. Akinpelu OV, Ibrahim F, Waissbluth S, Daniel SJ. Histopathologic Changes in the Cochlea Associated With Diabetes Mellitus-A Review. Otol Neurotol. 2014 Mar 28. [Epub ahead of print]
  19. Mijovic T, Carriot J, Zeitouni A, Cullen KE. Head Movements in Patients with Vestibular Lesion: a Novel Approach to Functional Assessment in Daily Life Setting. Otol Neurotol. 2014 Dec;35(10):e348-57
  20. Mujica-Mota MA, Lehnert S, Devic S, Gasbarrino K, Daniel SJ. Mechanisms of radiation-induced sensorineural hearing loss and radioprotection. Hear Res. 2014 Mar 18;312C:60-68.
  21. Mujica-Mota MA, Devic S, Daniel SJ. The relevance of dosimetry in animal models of cochlear irradiation. Otol Neurotol. 2014 Apr;35(4):704-11. doi: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000000224.
  22. Mujica-Mota MA, Salehi P, Devic S, Daniel SJ. Safety and Otoprotection of Metformin in Radiation-Induced Sensorineural Hearing Loss in the Guinea Pig. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]
  23. Gabra N, Alromaih S, Endam LM, Brito RM et al. (Desrosiers M) Clinical features of cytotoxic CD8+T-lymphocyte deficiency in chronic rhinosinusitis patients: A demographic and functional study. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2014 Jun;4(6):495-501 doi:10.1002/alr.21313. Epub 2014 Mar 17. PubMed PMID: 24639246.
  24. Berania I, Endam LM Dilali-Mouhim A et al. (Desrosiers M) Active smoking status in chronic rhinosinusitis is associated with higher serum markers of inflammation and lower serum eosinophilia. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2014 May; 4(5):347-52. Doi:10.1002/air.21289. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PubMed PMID: 24431239.
  25. Champagne PO, Desrosiers M, Moumdjian R. Endoscopic resection of an infraorbital nerve schwannoma. ClinNeurolNeurosurg 2014. Apr;119:106-9. Doi:10.1016/j.clineuro.2014.01.017.PubMed PMID:24635937.
  26. Cormier C. MfunaEndam L. Filali-Mouhim A. et al. (Desrosiers M) A pooling-based genomewide association study identifies genetic varients associated with staphylococcus aureus colonization in chronic rhinosinusitis patients. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol 2014 Mar 4(3):207-15. Doi: 10.1002/alr.21276. Epub 2014 Jan 15. PubMed PMID:24431132.
  27. MfunaEndam L, Filali-Mouhim A, Boisvert P et al. (Desrosiers M) Genetic variations in taste receptors are associated with chronic rhinosinusitis : a replication study. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014 Mar 4(3)200-6 doi:10.1002/alr.21275. Epub 2014 Jan. 10. PubMed PMID:24415641.
  28. Purkey MT, Li J, Mentch F. et al. (Desrosiers M) Genetic variation in genes encoding airway epithelial potassium channels is associated with chronic rhinosinusitis in a pediatric population. PloS One.2014 Mar 3;9(3)e89329. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089329. eCollection 2014. PubMed PMID: 24595210. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3940609.
  29. Duval M., Tarasidis G., Grimmer J.F., Muntz H.R., Park A.H., Smith M., Asfour, F., Meier J. Role of Operative Airway Evaluation in Children with Recurrent Croup: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Clin Otolaryngol. 2014. Epub ahead of print Nov 20.
  30. Park AH, Duval M, McVicar S, Bale JF, Hohler N, Carey JC. A Diagnostic Paradigm Including Cytomegalovirus Testing for Idiopathic Pediatric Sensorineural Hearing Loss. Laryngoscope. 2014;124(11):2624-9.
  31. Meier JD, Duval M, Wilkes J, Andrews S, Korgenski EK, Park AH, Srivastava R. Surgeon dependent variation in adenotonsillectomy costs in children. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;150(5):887-92.
  32. Kilty SJ, Al-Hajry M, Al-Mutairi D, Bonaparte JP, Duval M, Hwang E, Tse D. Prospective clinical trial of gelatin-thrombin matrix as first line treatment of posterior epistaxis. Laryngoscope. 2014;124(1):38-42.
  33. Varshney R, Frenkiel S, Nguyen LH, Young M, Del Maestro R, Zeitouni A, Tewfik  MA; National Research Council Canada. Development of the McGill simulator for endoscopic sinus surgery: a new high-fidelity virtual reality simulator for endoscopic sinus surgery. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2014 Jul-Aug;28(4):330-4. doi:10.2500/ajra.2014.28.4046. PubMed PMID: 25197920.
  34. Varshney R, Forest VI, Zawawi F, Rochon L, Hier MP, Mlynarek A, Tamilia M, Payne RJ. Ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration and thyroid nodules: Does size matter? Am J Otolaryngol. 2014 May-Jun;35(3):373-6. doi: 10.1016/j.amjoto.2013.12.005. Epub 2013 Dec 19.
  35. Scheffler P, Forest VI, Leboeuf R, Florea AV, Tamilia M, Sands NB, Hier MP, Mlynarek AM, Payne RJ. Serum thyroglobulin improves the sensitivity of the McGill Thyroid Nodule Score for well-differentiated thyroid cancer. Thyroid. 2014 May;24(5):852-7. doi: 10.1089/thy.2013.0191. Epub 2014 Feb 14.
  36. Maniakas A, Forest VI, Jozaghi Y, Saliba J, Hier MP, Mlynarek A, Tamilia M, Payne RJ. Tumor classification in well-differentiated thyroid carcinoma and sentinel lymph node biopsy outcomes: a direct correlation. Thyroid. 2014 Apr;24(4):671-4. doi: 10.1089/thy.2013.0160. Epub 2014 Jan 23.
  37. Varshney R, Frenkiel S, Lily HP Nguyen LHP, Young M, Del Maestro R, Zeitouni A, Saad E, Funnell WRJ, National Research Council Canada & Tewfik MA (2014): The McGill simulatorfor endoscopic sinus surgery (MSESS): a validation study. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 43: 40 (10 pp.) (doi:10.1186/s40463-014-0040-8)
  38. Akinpelu OV, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2014): f emissions in chinchilla when the middle ear contains liquid. Laryngoscope, published on-line ahead of print (doi:10.1002/lary.24914)
  39. Decraemer WF, de La Rochefoucauld O, Funnell WRJ & Olson ES (2014): Three-dimensional vibration of the malleus and incus in the living gerbil. JARO 15(4): 483-510 (doi:10.1007/s10162-014-0452-1)
  40. Akinpelu OV, Peleva E, Funnell WRJ & Daniel SJ (2014): Otoacoustic emissions in newborn hearing screening: A systematic review of the effects of different protocols on test outcomes. Int. J. Ped. Otorhinolaryngol. 78(5): 711-717 (doi:10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.01.021)
  41. Maftoon N, Funnell WRJ, Daniel SJ & Decraemer WF (2014): Effect of opening middle-ear cavity on vibrations of gerbil tympanic membrane. JARO 15(3): 319-334 (doi:10.1007/s10162-014-0442-3)
  42. Haji Abolhassani I., D. Guitton & H.L. Galiana, Modelling eye-head coordination in multiple contexts without motor planning. Re-submitted to J. Neurophysiology Feb. 2015  (subm. Nov 2014, paper ID JN-00912-2014).
  43. Stefanovic P. and H.L. Galiana, Efferent feedback in an adaptive spinal-like controller: Reaching with perturbations.  IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, minor revision submitted November 12th 2014 (TNSRE-2014-00087).
  44. Stefanovic P. and H.L. Galiana, An adaptive spinal-like controller: Tunable biomimetic behavior for a robotic limb, Biomedical Engineering OnLine 2014, 13:151. (doi: 10.1186/1475-925X-13-151)
  45. Stefanovic F. and H.L. Galiana, A simplified spinal-like controller facilitates muscle synergies and robust reaching motion, IEEE Trans. Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 22(1): 77-87, 2014 (
  46. Henry, M., *Ho, A., Lambert, S., Carnevale, F., Greenfield, B., MacDonald, C., Mlynarek, A., Zeitouni, A., Rosberger, Z., Hier, M., Black, M., Kost, K. & Frenkiel, S. (2014). Looking beyond disfigurement: The experience of patients with head and neck cancer. Journal of Palliative Care, 30(1), 5-15.
  47. MacKinnon, C.J., Smith, N.G., Henry, M., Milman, E., Berish, M., Korner, A., Copeland, L., Chochinov, H.M. & Cohen, S.R. (2014). Meaning-based group counseling for bereavement: Bridging theory with emerging trends in intervention research. Death Studies, 38(3), 137-144.
  48. R. Varshney, M N Pakdaman, N Sands, MP Hier, L Rochon, MJ Black, RJ Payne, Lymph node metastasis in thyroid papillary microcarcinoma: a study of 170 patients, The Journal of Laryngology & Otology, 1 of 4, January 15, 2014
  49. Grégoire B. Morand, Sabrina Daniela da Silva, Michael P. Hier, Moulay A. Alaoui-Jamali, Insights into genetic and epigenetic determinants with impact on vitamin D signaling and cancer association studies: the case of thyroid cancer, Front. Oncol., 04 November 2014 | doi: 10.3389/fonc.2014.00309
  50. Linke SJ, Ren L, Frings A, Steinberg J, Wöllmer W, Katz T, Reimer R, Hansen NO, Jowett N, Richard G, Miller RJD. Perspektiven der laserassistierten Keratoplastik. Der Ophthalmologe. 2014 June;111(6):523-30.
  51. Löwenthal M, Jowett N, Thomalla R, Knecht R, Dalchow CV. A comparison of hearing results following stapedotomy under local versus general anesthesia. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Apr (Epub ahead of print). PMID: 24728229
  52. Jowett N, Wöllmer W, Reimer R, Zustin J, Schumacher U, Wiseman P, Mlynarek A, Böttcher A, Dalchow C, Lörincz B, Knecht R, Miller RJD. Bone ablation without thermal or acoustic mechanical injury via a novel picosecond infrared laser (PIRL). Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery. March 2014;150 (3):385-393. PMID: 24376121
  53. Böttcher A, Jowett N (co-first), Kucher S, Reimer R, Schumacher U, Knecht R, Wöllmer W, Munscher A, Dalchow CV., Knecht R, Dalchow CV. Use of a microsecond Er:YAG laser in laryngeal surgery reduces collateral thermal injury in comparison to superpulsed CO2 laser. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 May;271(5):1121-8. PMID: 24114067
  54. Böttcher A, Mencke T, Zitzmann A, Knecht R, Jowett N, Nöldge-Schomburg G, Dommerich S. Laryngeal injuries following endotracheal intubation in ENT surgery: Predictive value of anatomical scores. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology. Feb 2014;271(2):345-352. PMID: 23990031
  55. Lacroix, Y. Pierre Robin sequence: Review of diagnostic and treatment challenges, International Journal of Pediatric Otolaryngology Pierre Robin Sequence Emedicine: Lymphatic malformations of the head and neck.
  56. Lehmann, A., & Schönwiesner, M. (2014). Selective Attention Modulates Human Auditory Brainstem Responses: Relative Contributions of Frequency and Spatial Cues. PLoS ONE, 9(1), e85442. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0085442 Dumas, G., Laroche, J., & Lehmann, A. (2014). Your body, my body, our coupling moves our bodies. Frontiers in Human
  57. Coppoolse, J.M.S., Van Kooten, T.G., Li, N.Y.K., Thibeault, S.L., Heris, H.K., Mongeau, L., Pitaro, J., and Daniel, S.J. “In vivo study in a rat animal model of composite microgels based on hyaluronic acid and gelatin for the reconstruction of the vocal fold lamina propria following injury.”  J. Speech Hearing Research, Vol. 57, S658-S673, 2014. doi:10.1044/2014_JSLHR-S-12-0292.
  58. Miri, A. K.*, Li, N. Y. K., Avazmohammadi, R., Thibeault, S. L., Mongrain, R., & Mongeau, L. (in press). Study of extracellular matrix in vocal fold biomechanics using a two-phase model. Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
  59. Ingle, J.*, Helou, L.B.*, Li, N. Y. K., Hebda, P. A., Rosen, C. R. & Verdolini-Abbott K. (2014). Role of steroids in acute phonotrauma: a basic science investigation. Laryngoscope, 124(4), 921-927. PMID: 24474147
  60. Li, N. Y. K., Chen, F.*, Dikkers, F. G., & Thibeault, S. L. (2014). Dose-dependent effect of mitomycin C on human vocal fold fibroblasts. Head & Neck, 36(3), 401-410. PMID: 23765508. * Featured article on the cover of the journal.
  61. Amiri, S., Taher, R., and Mongeau, L., “Experimental study of the oscillatory velocity and temperature near a heated circular cylinder in an acoustic standing wave,” Int. J. Heat Transfer, Vol. 69, pp. 464-472, 2014.
  62. Miri, A.K., Heris, H.K., Mongeau, L., and Javid, F., “Nanoscale Viscoelasticity of Extracellular Matrix Proteins in Soft Tissues: a Multiscale Approach,” J. Mech. Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Vol. 30, pp. 196-204, 2014. PMID: 24317493. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2013.10.022.
  63. Kazemirad, S., Bakhshaei, H., Mongeau, L., and Kost, K. “Non-invasive In vivo measurement of the shear modulus of human vocal fold tissue,” J. Biomechanics, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1173-1179, 2014. PMID: 24433668. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbiomech.2013.11.034.
  64. Latifi, N., Miri, A.K., and Mongeau, L., “Determination of the elastic properties of rabbit vocal fold tissue using uniaxial tensile testing and a tailored finite element model,” Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biological Materials, Vol. 39, pp. 366-374, 2014.  PMID: 25173237. doi: 10.1016/j.jmbbm.2014.07.031.
  65. Al-Qahtani K, Rieger J, Harris JR, Mlynarek A, Wiliams D, Islam T, Seikaly H. Treatment of base of tongue cancer stage III and stage IV with primary surgery: survival and functional outcomes. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Jun 25. [Epub ahead of print]
  66. Henry M, Ho A, Lambert SD, Carnevale FA, Greenfield B, MacDonald C, Mlynarek A, Zeitouni A, Rosberger Z, Hier M, Black M, Kost K, Frenkiel S. Looking beyond disfigurement: the experience of patients with head and neck cancer J Palliat Care. 2014 Spring; 30(1):5-15
  67. Mlynarek AM, Le Cancer de la Bouche : Une detection precoce peut sauver des vies. Le Patient 2014 Avr 8(2):30-31
  68. Scheffler P, Forest VI, Leboeuf R, Florea AV, Tamilia M, Sand NB, Hier MP, Mlynarek AM, Payne RJ, Thyroid. 2014 Serum thyroglobulin imporves the sensitivity of the McGill Thyroid Nodule Score for well-differentiated thyroid cancer, May:24(5):872-7 
  69. Do JBA, Lands L, Ste Martin C, Marsello M, Manoukian J, Daniel S, Nguyen LHP.  Effect of the F508del Genotype on Outcomes of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Children with Cystic Fibrosis.  Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2014 Jul;78(7):1133-7.
  70. Ho-Wo-Cheong D, Mijovic T, Manoukian JJ, Bergeron M, Nguyen LHP.  Synchronous airway lesions in children: an analysis of characteristics and comorbidities. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 2014 Oct;78(10):1586-91.
  71. Campagna M, Manoukian J, Razack S, Nguyen LHP.  Assessment of the Acceptability of the Multiple Mini Interview for the Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery program. Laryngoscope. 2014 Jan;124(1):91-6.
  72. Lecavallier M, Nguyen LHP.  Bilateral Dacrocystoceles: A Rare Cause of Neonatal Respiratory Distress.  Ear, Nose, Throat J, 2014 Jan;93(1):E26
  73. Elkoushy MA, Yu AX, Tabah R, Payne RJ, Dragomir A, Andonian S. Determinants of Urolithiasis Before and After Parathyroidectomy in Patients With Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Urology. 2014 Apr 2. pii: S0090-4295(14)00060-0. doi: 10.1016/j.urology.2014.01.016.
  74. Payne R, Shlomo Merchavy, Tal Marom, Veronique-Isabelle Forest, Michael Hier, Alex Mlynarek, Tobial McHugh and Richard Is Age Associated with Risk of Malignancy in Thyroid Cancer?
  75. Do BA, Payne RJ, Bastianelli M, Mlynarek AM, Tamilia M, Hier M, Forest VI. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Aug 22. pii: 0194599814547503. [Epub ahead of print]
  76. Valdes CJ, Bogado M, Rammal A, Samaha M, Tewfik MA.Topical cocaine vs adrenaline in endoscopic sinus surgery: a blinded randomized controlled study. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014;4(8):646-50. doi: 10.1002/alr.21325. [Epub ahead of print].
  77. Valdes CJ, Bogado M, Samaha M. Causes of failure in endoscopic frontal sinus surgery in chronic rhinosinusitis patients.. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014;4(6):502-6. doi: 10.1002/alr.21307. [Epub ahead of print]Valdés CJ, Al Badaai Y, Bogado M, Samaha M. Does pterygopalatine canal injection with local anaesthetic and adrenaline decrease bleeding during functional endoscopic sinus surgery? J Laryngol Otol. 2014;128:814-817.
  78. Al Badaai Y, Valdés CJ, Samaha M. Outcomes and Cost-Benefit of Endoscopic Sinus Surgery in Severely Asthmatic Patients with Chronic Rhinosinusitis. J. Laryngol Otol. 2014;128(6):512-517.
  79. Emami N, Schloss MD, Daniel SJ. Chronic tympanic membrane perforation in an animal model. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 May 2. pii: S0165-5876(14)00254-7. doi: 10.1016/j.ijporl.2014.04.042. [Epub ahead of print].
  80. Padhye V, Valentine R, Sacks R, Ooi EH, Teo C, Tewfik M, Wang D, Wormald PJ. “Coping with catastrophe: the value of endoscopic vascular injury training.” Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2014 Dec 29.
  81. Valdes CJ, Tewfik MA, Guiot MC, Di Maio S. “Synchronous esthesioneuroblastoma and growth-hormone-secreting pituitary macroadenoma: combined open and endoscopic management.” J Neurol Surg Rep. 2014 Dec;75(2):e194-9.
  82. Tewfik MA, Valdes CJ, Zeitouni A, Sirhan D, Di Maio S. The endoscopic hemi-transseptal approach to the sella turcica: operative technique and case-control study. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2014 Dec;75(6):415-20. doi:10.1055/s-0034-1383855. Epub 2014 Jun 27. PubMed PMID: 25452900; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4240765.
  83. Morand GB, Silva SD, Hier MP, Alaoui-Jamali MA. Insights into genetic and epigenetic determinants with impact on vitamin D signaling and cancer association studies: The case of thyroid cancer. Frontier in oncology. 2014 Nov 4;4:309.
  84. Silva SD, Alaoui-Jamali MA, Soares FA, Carraro DM, Brentani HP, Hier M, Rogatto SR, Kowalski LP. EMT-associated genes are predominant predictive markers and potential therapeutic targets for invasive oral cancer. Cancer. 2014 Feb 1;120(3):352-62.
  85. Dominguez-Valentin M, Therkildsen C, Da Silva S, Nilbert M. Familial colorectal cancer type X: genetic profiles and phenotypic features. Mod Pathol. 2014 Apr 18.
  86. Xu B, Teng LH, Silva SD, Bijian K, Al Bashir S, Jie S, Dolph M, Alaoui-Jamali MA, Bismar TA. The significance of dynamin 2 expression for prostate cancer progression, prognostication, and therapeutic targeting. Cancer Med. 2014 Feb;3(1):14-24.
  87. Silva SD, Hier M, Soares FA, Graner E, Kowalski LP. ErbB receptors and matrix metalloproteinases are predictors of poor outcomes in pN+ in oral squamous cell carcinoma with extranodal spread. Clinical & Experimental Metastasis. 2014 Mar;31(3):307-16.
  88. DO BA, Varshney R, Zawawi F, Levental M, Caglar D, Young J. Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor of The Larynx – A Case Report.. J Voice, 2014; 28(2)58-61
  89. Zawawi F, Alobaid F, Leroux T, Zeitouni AG. Patients reported outcome post-cochlear implantation: how severe is their dizziness? J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014 Dec 10;43(1):49. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 25492268; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4273446.
  90. Gurberg J, Bouganim N, Shenouda G, Zeitouni A. A case of recurrent anaplastic meningioma of the skull base with radiologic response to hydroxyurea. J Neurol Surg Rep. 2014 Aug;75(1):e52-5. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1359300. Epub 2014 Apr 17. PubMed PMID: 25083390; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4110141.
  91. Henry M, Ho A, Lambert SD, Carnevale FA, Greenfield B, MacDonald C, Mlynarek A, Zeitouni A, Rosberger Z, Hier M, Black M, Kost K, Frenkiel S. Looking beyond disfigurement: the experience of patients with head and neck cancer. J Palliat Care. 2014 Spring;30(1):5-15. PubMed PMID: 24826438.
  92. Al Hinai Q, Zeitouni A, Sirhan D, Sinclair D, Melancon D, Richardson J, Leblanc R. Communicating hydrocephalus and vestibular schwannomas: etiology, treatment, and long-term follow-up. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2013 Apr;74(2):68-74. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1333621. Epub 2013 Feb 7. PubMed PMID:24436891; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3699216.
  93. K. H. Al-Qahtani, V. J. Brousseau, S. Fakhri, A.G. Zeitouni, T. Islam : “Hearing Outcome in the Conservative Management of Vestibular Schwannomas ” The Saudi Journal of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Vol 16 no. 1, Jan 2014
  94. Campagna-Vaillancourt M, Manoukian J, Razack S, Nguyen LH. Acceptability and reliability of multiple mini-interviews for admission to otolaryngology residency. Laryngoscope 124(1): 91-6, 2014
  95. Do BA, Lands LC, Saint-Martin C, Mascarella MA, Manoukian JJ, Daniel SJ, Nguyen LH. Effect of the F508del genotype on outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgery in children with cystic fibrosis. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 78(7): 1133-7, 2014
  96. Horwood L, Brouillette RT, McGregor CD, Manoukian JJ, Constantin E. Testing for pediatric obstructive sleep apnea when health care resources are rationed. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 140(7): 616-23, 2014
  97. Ho-Wo-Cheong D, Mijovic T, Manoukian JJ, Bergeron M, Nguyen LH. Synchronous airway lesions in children: an analysis of characteristics and comorbidities. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol 78(10): 1586-91, 2014
  98. Mujica-Mota MA, Gasparriono K, Rappaport JM, Shapiro RS, Daniel SJ. The Effects of Caffeine on Hearing in a Guinea Pig Model of Acoustic Trauma.  American Journal of Otolaryngology 35(2):99-105, 2014.


  1. Tewfik T.L. Tympanostomy tubes. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis.  31 (1), 16, 2014
  2. Tewfik T.L.  Low caliber nostrils. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis.  31 (2), 22, 2014
  3. Tewfik T.L.  Coated tongue. Canadian  Journal of Diagnosis 31 (2), 30, 2014
  4. Tewfik TL: Halitosis. Canadian  Journal of CME  26 (2) 34, 2014
  5. Tewfik TL  La rhino-sinusite récurrente. Clinicien plus 29 (2) 16, 2014
  6. Tewfik TL. Détection du Streptocoque. Clinicien  plus 29 (2) 17, 2014
  7. Tewfik T.L.  Burning mouth syndrome. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (3) 28, 2014
  8. Tewfik T.L.  Uvulitis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (3) 32, 2014
  9. Tewfik T.L. Vertigo in the elderly. Canadian  Journal of CME 26 (3) 38, 2014
  10. Tewfik T.L. Nasal fracture. Canadian  Journal of CME  26 (4) 20, 2014
  11. Tewfik T.L. Anosmia. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. . 31 (4) 24, 2014
  12. Tewfik T.L.  CSF Rhinorrhea. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (5) 28, 2014
  13. Tewfik T.L. Repositioning maneuver for BPPV. Canadian  Journal of CME  26 (6) 18, 2014
  14. Tewfik TL   L’édème de la langue. Clinicien  plus, 29 (3) 12, 2014
  15. Tewfik T.L. Peritonsillar abscess. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 31 (6) 27, 2014
  16. Tewfik T.L. Treatment of non-allergic sinusitis. . Canadian  Journal of CME  26 (7) 33, 2014
  17. Tewfik T.L. Saline solution and sinusitis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (7) 27, 2014
  18. Tewfik T.L.  NIHL with iPod and MP3. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (8) 24, 2014
  19. Tewfik T.L. Chronic post-nasal drip. . Canadian  Journal of CME  26 (9) 26, 2014
  20. Tewfik T.L.  Treatment of gustatory rhinitis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis 31 (8) 34, 2014
  21. Tewfik T.L.  Treatment of chronic sinusitis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (9) 34, 2014
  22. Tewfik T.L. Epley maneuver and BPPV. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (10) 22, 2014
  23. Tewfik T.L. Management of Epistaxis. Canadian Journal of Diagnosis. 31 (10) 32, 2014


  1. “A new measure of body image concerns for use in head and neck oncology entitled the McGill Body Image Concerns Scale: Initial scale development using cognitive interviewing”. De Simone A, Rodriguez AM, Thombs B, Kwakkenbos L, Jewett L, Chiocchio F, MacDonald C, Black M, Zeitouni A, Hier M, Kost K, Mlynarek A, Rosberger Z, Frenkiel S, Henry M. Student Research Day Booklet, McGill Faculty of Medicine 2014.
  2. “Recovering Function and Surviving treatments are Primary Motivators for Health Behavior Change in Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Focus Group Study”. Bdira A, Cherba M, Carnevale F, Lambert S, MacDonald C, Rosberger Z, Hier M, Zeitouni A, Kost K, Mlynarek A, Black M, Frenkiel S, Henry M. Student Research Day Booklet, McGill Faculty of Medicine 2014.

Electronic Book Chapters

  1. Tewfik TL, Yoskovitch A. Congenital Malformations of the Neck. Medscape Reference. Updated February 05, 2014. Available at:
  2. Tewfik, T.L., Lacroix, Y. Trinh, N.: Pierre Robin Syndrome. In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery , ( – Feb, 2014
  3. Tewfik, T.L, Lacroix, Y. :  Cervicofacial lymphangiomas. In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, ( – Feb, 2014
  4. Tewfik, T.L., Yoskovitch, A., AlSaab , F.: Congenital Malformations, Nose. In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery. Available at: ( Feb, 2014
  5. Tewfik, T.L., Hagr A.A. Yaser Alrajhi, MD : Choanal atresia.  In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, ( Feb. 2014
  6. Tewfik TL, Al Garni MA. Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma. Medscape Reference. Updated March 19, 2014. Available at:
  7. Tewfik T.L, Sobol S., Schloss M.D.: Acute Sinusitis, Medical Management. In: Arlen Meyers (ed), Emedicine Textbook of Otolaryngology and Facial Plastic Surgery, (  April . 2014
  8. Melancon S, Tewfik T L, Dion H, Saunders K, Wheeler B. Recognizing t the Rare: Identifying Hunter Syndrome in Primary Care. www md, 2014

Electronic articles

  1. PLoS One. 2014 Nov 19;9(11):e113190. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113190. eCollection 2014.
  2. Proteomic-coupled-network analysis of T877A-androgen receptor interactomes can predict clinical prostate cancer outcomes between White (non-Hispanic) and African-American groups.
  3. Zaman N, Giannopoulos PN, Chowdhury S, Bonneil E, Thibault P, Wang E, Trifiro M, Paliouras M.

 (*): Designates a student or a resident.

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