Research Grants 2016

Research Grants - New in 2016

  • Reseau de Recherche en Sciences Infirmieres du Quebec (RRISIQ) - (obtained).  Adapting a self-directed coping skills intervention for caregivers of patients with advanced cancer: Addressing access and sustainability barriers to knowledge translation.  Role: Co-Investigator Lambert, S. (PI), Cote, J., Laizner, A.M., Henry, M., Maheu, C., Faria, R., Thibodeau, K., Cooke, A. & Bitzas, V.B.  $15,185 (2016 – 2018)
  • Awarded the competitive and prestigious FRQS Chercheur Boursier Career Award.  Lehmann, A (PI).  330,000 (2016-2020)
  • Awarded the GRAMMY FOUNDATION Research Grant.  Lehmann, A (PI) on Project on “Music and Cochlear Implants” (co-PI Pr. Peretz from U. Montréal) (25,000)
  • Awarded NSERC Discovery Grant.  Lehmann, A (PI).  150,000 (2016-2021)
  • Research Incubator Award Seed Funding as Lehmann, A (Co-PI) (PI Pr. Zatorre from McGill Neurology) 5,000
  • NSERC Research Tools and Instruments.  Li (Co-Applicant).  A unique bioplotter for the printing of cellular dense collagen and other biopolymer gels.  CAD$147,707 (4/1/16 – 3/31/17)
  • Canada Research Chair (tier 2) Li (Principal Applicant).  Personalized medicine in voice disorders.  CAD$500,000 (10/01/16 – 09/31/21)
  • Hong Kong Research Grants Council.  Li (Co-Applicant).  Enhancing the maintenance effect of acupuncture for phonotraumatic voice disorders using a home-based skin-surface stimulation of voice-related acupoint (Home AcuStim) Protocol.  CAD$174,707 (Li’s portion: CAD$0) (10/01/16 – 09/31/20)
  • Calcul Canada - Annual resources allocation.  (34 core years on briaree, 34 core years on guillimin, 81 core years on mp2, 20 GPU core years on guillimin-gpu).  62,975 (1/2016-12/2016)
  • NSERC Discovery - Vocal fold tissue engineering and sensors for physiological monitoring.  771,000 (4/2016-3/2021)
  • NSERC RTI - Biotester (Nazhat).  150,000 (4/2016-3/2018)
  • NSERC RTI - Tomo-PIV (Nedic).  150,000 (4/2016-3/2018)
  • NSERC RTI - Benchtop SEM (Ehrlicher).  150,000 (4/2016-3/2018)
  • Funding Source: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Project Grant (Total Funding: $240,818) Competitive Funding.  Endoscopic Polypectomy performed In Clinic for chronic rhinosinusitis with polyps: The EPIC multicenter randomised controlled trial.  Co-investigators: Janjua, Arif; Lee, John, MacDonald Kristian; Meen, Eric, Micomonaco, Damian; Rotenberg, Brian; Rudmik, Luke; Sowerby, Leigh; Tewfik, Marc; Thavorn, Kednapa.  Principal Investigator: Kilty, Shaun (Nominated); Fergusson, Dean.
  • Rossy Cancer Center - 2016-2017 "Spectral dual energy CT and textural radiogenomic analysis for optimal tumor delineation, patient staging, and biomarker for head and neck squamous cell carcinoma".  PI: Reza Forghani, MD, PhD, FRCPC, DABR; Co-applicant Sabrina Daniela Silva Wurzba.  CAN_$99,175.00
  • Strauss Foundation.  McGill Cochlear Implant Research Program.  $50,000 year since 3 years.  Last grant started Sept. 2016

Total of Grants Newly Held in 2016: $3,021,567

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