
Nathan Hall speaks to Everything Hertz podcast about humour and mental health in academia

Published: 20 August 2018

Professor Nathan Hall, of our Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, recently spoke at length with Drs. Dan Quintana and James Heathers, hosts of the Everything Hertz podcast. The topic of discussion was Dr. Hall's popular @AcademicsSay social media accounts. Since Nathan Hall launched his @AcademicsSay social experiment in 2013, his humorous accounts have become some of the most visited academia-related pages.

Everything Hertz bills itself as a "podcast by scientists, for scientists. Methodology, scientific life, and bad language."

Dr. Nathan Hall is Associate Professor with ECP and Director of the Achievement Motivation and Emotion (AME) Research Group. 

[listen to "Everything Hertz 67: Shit Academics Say (with Nathan Hall)", August 20, 2018]


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