All grant proposals submitted to the agencies should include methodologies that reflect best practices in RDM. For certain funding opportunities, the agencies will require DMPs to be submitted to the appropriate agency at the time of application, as outlined in the call for proposals; in these cases, the DMPs will be considered in the adjudication process. See below for a list of CIHR, SSHRC, and NSERC funding opportunities requiring DMPs (updated 2024-07-24. For a complete and up-to-date list, see the Government of Canada's page on funding opportunities requiring data management plans): CIHR
CIHR Planned:
NSERC Planned:
Since 2022 for specific funding opportunities | |
Genome Canada | Genome Canada Data Release and Sharing Policies |
Must provide a Data Release and Resource Sharing Plan as part of the application. “Funds will not flow until an acceptable plan has been approved and incorporated into the terms of award.” Specific requirements may apply in certain programs’ applications. |
2017-01-01 |
FRQ | NA | NA | NA |
NIH | NIH Data Management and Sharing (DMS) Policy |
A DMS plan (no more than 2 pages) should reflect the proposed approach to manage and share scientific data at the time it is prepared and should be submitted at the time of application. DMS plans should be updated during the course of the award/support period. For the Intramural Research Program, a DMS plan will be required for scientific data from:
NIH Intramural Data Management and Sharing Plan Template is available online. (Please note, investigators should not enter their plan into this pdf, as plans must be entered directly into the NIDB.) Sample DMS plans can be found on the NIH Scientific Data Sharing website. After the end of the funding period, non-compliance with the NIH ICO-approved DMP may be taken into account by NIH for future funding decisions for the recipient institution. |
2023-01-25 |
NSF | NSF Grant Proposal Guide on Contents of the DMP |
The DMP (no more than 2 pages) “should describe how the proposal will conform to NSF policy on the dissemination and sharing of research results”. The DMP should be submitted as a supplementary document in the application. |
2011-01-18 |
Horizon Europe | Horizon Europe Programme Guide |
"(DMPs) are a cornerstone for responsible management of research outputs, notably data and are mandatory in Horizon Europe for projects generating and/or reusing data." "A template for a DMP is provided. Its use is recommended but not mandatory." |
2021-2027 |
Table last updated on: 2024-08-29 |