Table of contents
MD Consult Clinical Information For Physicians
MD Consult (McGill library)
Internet Grateful Med v2.6.3
PubMed Tutorial
- a detailed tutorial on PubMed from the University of Florida
Medical Journals
Critical Care Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine
British Medical Journal
Annals of Internal Medicine
American Journal of Respiratory and CCM
Internet Journal of Emergency and CCM
Anaesthesia and Intensive Care-Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
Critical Care Forum
- Internet critical care journal
Canadian Medical Association Journal
Journal of Trauma
Educational Sites
Critical Care
Critical Care Medicine Tutorials
- A collection of tutorials from the Gasworks Group
Medical Rounds; Critical Care
- Multi-media lectures on CCM topics
American Thoracic Society - Critical Care Educational Resources
- monthly cases with multiple choice questions and answers from the ATS
Medical Student's Guide to the ICU - from the Society of Critical Care Medicine
eBMJ -- Collected Resources Critical Care - Intensive Care
Pulmonary and Critical Care Update On-line -
An on-line education resource from the ACCP
Pulmonary Artery Catheter Education Project
- hemodynamic monitoring/Swan-Ganz Procedures
Invasive Procedures On-line Training Modules from
- Central lines, chest tubes, intubation
EKG's and Cardiology
EKG World Encyclopedia
-edited by Dr Michael Rosengarten
EKG Interpretation Algorithms
ECG Learning Center
MD Choice ECG Rounds
ACLS Simulator (MD Choice)
American Heart Association
American Heart Association - Scientific Statements
Heart Surgery Forum
MD Choice Radiology Library
Medical Images
- Radiology teaching files
CHORUS - Collaborative Hypertext of Radiology
Radiology Teaching Files - Wayne State University
3-D Anatomy
for Students
Visible human Project
from the National Library of Medicine (Virtual anatomy site)
The Digital Anatomist Project (Virtual anatomy site)
Whole Brain Atlas
- the internet resource for surgical education
Pulmonary Embolism Teaching Module
Auto PEEP and work of breathing - Virtual Hospital
Non-Invasive ventilatory Support in the management of COPD (chest medicine On-Line)
Pulmonary Physiology - Lawrence Martin
Index of Respiratory Tract Diseases Websites - Karolinska Institute
Lung Anatomy - Virtual Hospital
Interactive Respiratory Physiology - Johns Hopkins
American Thoracic Society - Statements and Position Paper
Pulmonary -Critical Care Pathophysiology
EMBSS - Emergency Medicine
Acid Base Tutorial
Acid-Base pHorum
- explanation of the Strong Ion Difference approach to acid-base
National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics
- algorithms, clinical scores, etc
Virtual Hospital Critical Care Patient simulations
- sponsored by the University of Iowa
Medical Matrix
- a comprehensive medical index
Molson Medical Informatics Student projects
Merck Manual
Evidenced-Based Medicine Sites
ACP Journal Club
CCCATS library
- Critical Care Critically Appraised Topics from the ATS
Critical Care Critically Appraised Topics
- Southwestern Ontario Regional Academic Critical Care Network
ATS Critical Care Journal Club
Intensive Care EBM
Evidenced-Based Decision Making
- A site with a critical care focus from U of Sydney
EBM Tutorial
(University of North Carolina)
Michigan State University EBM Web course
Oxford Center for EBM Homepage
McMaster University Health Information Research Unit
Center for Health Evidence
Agency for Health Care Research and Quality Guidelines
National Guideline Clearinghouse
- A public resource for evidence-based practice guidelines
JAMA Evidenced-Based Medicine Series of Articles
("User's Guides to the Medical Literature")
McMaster Series: User's Guide to the Medical Literature
EBM Resource Center
New York Academy of Medicine
Evidenced Based Emergency Medicine
Statistics for Critical Care Medicine and Anesthesia
Medical Research resources
Users' Guides to Evidence-Based Practice from the Centers for Health Evidence
Worksheets for Evidence-Based Practice.
NNT calculators and tools
Pre-test and post-test calculator for diagnostic tests
Abstracts of Cochrane Reviews
Medical Societies and Organizations
Society of Critical Care Medicine
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
RCPSC Objectives and Goals for Critical Care Fellowship
Canadian Critical Care Society
American College of Surgeons
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
American College of Emergency Physicians
American Society of Anesthesiologists
American Thoracic Society
American College of Physicians
American College of Chest Physicians/ Chest
Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Canadian Medical Association
American Heart Association
- Scientific statements and guidelines
Critical Care Resources
Society of Critical Care Medicine
SCCM Surgical Section
Anesthesia, Critical Care & Emergency Medicine on the Internet
eBMJ -- Collected Resources Critical Care - Intensive Care
Invivo: Anesthesia, Critical Care, Emergencies
Virtual Hospital Critical Care Patient simulations
Critical Care Handbook - University of Texas
Cook Medical - Critical Care
Critical Care Resources on the Internet
University of Pittsburgh CCM
American Heart Association
- Scientific statements and guidelines
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy Homepage
ICU Prognostic Scores
Nitric Oxide Homepage
Adult Critical Care Medicine Homepage - University of Western Ontario
Critical Care Drug Manual - London Health Sciences Centre, UWO
Nursing Protocols and Procedures- London Health Sciences Centre, UWO
Critical Care Forum
- Internet critical care journal
Medscape Critical Care
- Critical care website
Critical Care Guidelines
ACCP Consensus Statements
Definitions for Sepsis and Organ Failure and Guidelines for the Use of Innovative Therapies in Sepsis
Mechanical Ventilation
Applied Nutrition in ICU Patients
Ethical and Moral Guidelines in Intensive Care
Opinions Regarding the Diagnosis and Management of Venous Thromboembolic Diseases
Antithrombotic Therapy(1998)
American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Guidelines
Practice Guidelines for Blood Component Therapy
Practice Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia
Practice Guidelines for the use of Pulmonary Artery Catheters
Practice Guidelines for Pre-Anesthesia Assessments
Practice Guidelines for the Management of the Difficult Airway
SCCM/ ACCM Guidelines
Guidelines for Intensive Care Unit Admission, Discharge, and Triage
Guidelines for Transfer of the Critically Ill
Practice parameters for evaluating new fever in critically ill adult patients
Practice Parameters for Hemodynamic Support of Sepsis in Adult Patients
Guidelines for Standards of Care for Patients with Acute Respiratory Failure On Mechanical Ventilatory Support
Trauma sites
American Association for Surgical Trauma
Eastern Association Surgical Trauma
Trauma Radiology Library
Liverpool Hospital Trauma Education Site
Trauma management protocols at LA County-USC
Journal of Trauma
University of Texas Trauma Page
Brain Trauma Foundation
Wheeless'Textbook of Orthopedics
- On-line ortho textbook
Toxicology Corner (toxicology cases)
Toxicology Resource Homepage
Poison Information Resources
Neurosurgery On-Call
Brain Trauma Foundation
Neurosciences on the Internet
Hyper book
of Neurosurgery
Neuroscience Tutorial - Washington School of Medicine
Whole Brain Atlas
The Global Brainstem - review of brainstem structure and function
(University of Wisconsin)
The Global Spinal Cord
(University of Wisconsin teaching module)
The Global Cerebellum
(University of Wisconsin teaching module)
The American Stroke Association
- scientific statements and guidelines
Stroke Toolbox
- protocols, scales, guidelines
Internet Stroke
- from Washington University
National Institute of Neurological disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
American Association of Neurological Surgeons
- clinical neurology information for professionals
Bioethics for clinicians (Canadian Medical Association)
Ethics Curriculum - Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Canadian Medical Association Code of Ethics
McGill University Bioethics
University of Toronto Joint Center for Bioethics
Dalhousie University Department of Bioethics
University of Montreal Center for Bioethics
Center for the Study of Bioethics
University of Wisconsin
Canadian Bioethics Society
US National Institute of Health Bioethics Resources on the Web
Last Acts Campaign for End-of-life Care
- A resource site for end-of-life issues
McGill University Sites
McGill University Health Center
McGill University
McGill University Health Center
Cardiac Surgery Service
McGill Faculty of Medicine Homepage
McGill Medicine Departmental Web Pages
McGill Medicine CME Page
- Numerous faculty lectures of various topics on video
Royal Victoria Hospital Medical Library
MD Consult (McGill library)
MGH Intensive Care and Trauma Unit
Web page
Molson Medical Informatics Student projects
Critical Care Drug Manual - London Health Sciences Centre, UWO
Clinical Pharmacology Online - Internet Drug Reference
Pharmaceutical Information Network
Clinical Pharmacology Online - Internet Drug Reference
Pharmaceutical Information Network
Education_ VRE_ Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus
Medical Conferences Search Page
Extra-corporal Life Support
- University of Michigan
Extra-corporeal Life Support Organization
Management of the Latex Allergic patient Cleveland Clinic
American Heart Association - Scientific Statements
Medical Student's Guide to the ICU - from the Society of Critical Care Medicine
Difficult Airway Management Tutorial
Hypertext version of the ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm
The ASA Difficult Airway Algorithm: UCSD Anesthesiology
UCSD Difficult Airway Cart
UCSD Anesthesiology Homepage
Management of the Difficult Airway - Jonathan Benumof
The Virtual Anaesthesia Textbook - Difficult Airway Techniques
Apparent Difficult Airway- University of Michigan
The Difficult Airway Society - Homepage
Internet Journal of Airway Management
Airway Education and research Foundation
The Laryngoscope- Airway Cases
Airway and Respiratory Info Center : Dr. John Doyle, U of Toronto
Airway Atlas (Anatomy)
On-Line Airway Atlas
Cook Critical Care - Difficult Airway Equipment
Laryngeal Mask Web Page - Dr J Doyle
Laryngeal Mask Insertion
Combitube page
Percutaneous Transtracheal Ventilation
- Internet Journal of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine