Cartoon caption: There's a lot of sensitive personal information on this flash drive so handle it with care!

Do you know where all your removable storage devices are (i.e., USB flash drives, external hard drives, DVDs)?

  • To protect sensitive information belonging to you or others: Ensure that your removable devices are kept in a safe location (i.e., locked in an office drawer, home or office location with restricted access, etc.).
    Classified as: IT Security awareness, policies, cloud, IT Announcements
    Published on: 12 Apr 2024


    Date: September 21, 2021


    To: Fund Financial Managers

    Cc: Suzanne Fortier, Principal and Vice-Chancellor

    Faculty Financial Officers

    Financial Services Teams

    From: Yves Beauchamp, Vice-Principal, Administration and Finance

    Cristiane Tinmouth, Associate Vice-Principal, Financial Services

    Re: Fund Financial Management

    Classified as: Fund Financial Managers, Fund Financial Management, policies, regulations
    Published on: 21 Sep 2021

    This message is sent on behalf of Julie Ghayad, Director Systems and Transaction Services


    Following internal consultation with University Archives, Faculty Financial Officers and teams within Financial Services, we are pleased to announce that the paperless processes put in place for Advances, Expense Reports and PCard Transactions will remain in effect permanently.

    In order to remain paperless and to maintain sufficient controls, please take note of the following process changes:

    Original Paper Receipts/Supporting Documentation

    Classified as: travel, PCard, digitized, receipts, Processes, policies, regulations, procedures
    Published on: 18 Sep 2020

    McGill University’s Board of Governors has adopted its new Policy against Sexual Violence, confirming the University’s commitment to ensuring that its campuses are free of acts of sexual violence. To support the Policy, the University has dedicated substantial resources – including three full-time staff members and an independent special investigator – dedicated to fostering safe, respectful, and inclusive learning and work environments for all.

    Classified as: sexual violence policy, Angela Campbell, policies, board of governors
    Published on: 28 Mar 2019

    The Great Lakes have been invaded by more non-native species than any other freshwater ecosystem in the world. In spite of increasing efforts to stem the tide of invasion threats, the lakes remain vulnerable, according to scientists from McGill University and colleagues in Canada and the United States. 

    Classified as: environment, Research, invasive species, Anthony Ricciardi, Faculty of Science, great lakes, McGill News, policies
    Published on: 29 Jan 2015
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