Peter Todd is the new Dean of HEC Paris. He explains his vision for HEC Paris, a "great school with its great challenges" that he vows to rise to, capitalizing on the excellence of our professors and students. 

View the interview: HEC Paris, September 22, 2015
View the interview (in French): HEC Paris.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

Depuis le 1er septembre, Peter Todd a succédé à Bernard Ramanantsoa, au poste de directeur général d'HEC Paris. Ce Canadien, ex-doyen venu de la faculté de management Desautels de l'université de Mc Gill à Montréal, compte bien donner une nouvelle dimension à l'école de Jouy-en-Josas.

Read full artilcle: Capital, September 15, 2015

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd
Published on: 29 Sep 2015

À l'heure où Peter Todd prend la tête de HEC, avec un excellent track-record financier sur son précédent poste à McGill, c'est l'occasion de faire un point sur la présence de HEC sur LinkedIn, réseau social où sont présents la plupart des dirigeants internationaux.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 25 Sep 2015

Avant l'été, son nom était encore inconnu en France. Pourtant, d'après ses recruteurs, le Canadien Peter Todd était le mouton à cinq pattes à même de succéder à Bernard Ramanantsoa aux commandes d'HEC : « Nous cherchions quelqu'un qui avait de l'expérience, qui soit à la fois ouvert sur le vaste monde et francophone, et qui allie des capacités de gestionnaire à une culture académique », précise Pierre-Antoine Gailly, président de la CCI Paris-Ile-de-France.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 25 Sep 2015

Ne cherchez pas chez Peter Todd une envie de faire la révolution. Dans un entretien aux « Echos », le nouveau directeur général de HEC Paris, arrivé du Canada pour en prendre les rênes au 1er septembre, explique qu’il n’entend pas « transformer » l’école, mais « l’élever », en « allant plus loin dans l’excellence ». Derrière une volonté affichée de s’inscrire dans les pas de son prédécesseur, Bernard Ramanantsoa, Peter Todd entend hisser HEC Paris parmi les dix meilleures écoles de management au monde.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Peter Todd, HEC Paris
Published on: 25 Sep 2015

Peter Todd, Dean,

Desautels Faculty of Management,

McGill University

Q. What helps prospective MBA students stand out in their application?

A. We're looking very carefully at work experience. I think we're looking as well at motivation and what people are after. We look at references. But beyond that, we also ask each student the question: “What do you bring to the learning experience of others?” Each student has to bring something that helps other students to learn as well.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd
Published on: 12 Feb 2013

Though the number of GMAT test-takers from UAE citizens continued it’s decline in 2012, the appeal of an MBA from one of the world’s leading business schools continues to grow across the GCC, as young professionals look to stand out in the job market.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd
Published on: 12 Dec 2012

This week is the 20th anniversary of the 1st text. As a middle aged person I have mixed feeling about this. I can’t decide if it’s got worst or maybe better. This week I got messages by text, email, Twitter, Facebook, voice mail, phone, cell phone, in person and a fax! The fax brought back some fond memories – it’s been a while.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg, Karl Moore, Dean Peter Todd, Desautels Global Experts, Brian Fetherstonhaugh
Published on: 6 Dec 2012

The full-time MBA ranking published last month by BusinessWeek brings the 2012 season of media rankings of business schools to a close, and the results will be met with the usual mix of joy, despair and skepticism by the business school community. Staff, students and alumni will be assessing the impact of their school’s standing in the global market, while potential applicants may over-rely on these league tables to determine their shortlist of target schools.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd, Masters in Business Administration (MBA), MBA Program
Published on: 4 Dec 2012

MBA rankings are an integral part of the business school world, and like them or loathe them, the chances are you’ll take a look at them. Staff, students and alumni will be assessing the impact of their school’s standing in the global market, while potential applicants may over rely on these league tables to determine their shortlist of target schools.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd
Published on: 3 Dec 2012

Two very good sports sported white jackets and McGill bow ties to lead a very entertaining video in support of McGill’s Centraide campaign that went up this week. Dean of the Desautels Faculty of Management Peter Todd and Michael Di Grappa, Vice-Principal (Administration and Finance), co-chairs of this year’s Centraide campaign, teamed up with TonalEcstacy, a McGill a capella singing group, for the clip, produced by Jacquie Rourke.

Classified as: Dean Peter Todd
Published on: 27 Nov 2012

Students at the Desautels Faculty of Management will have access to state-of-the-art software used by financial professionals, thanks to a new agreement between the Faculty and Thomson Reuters.

Under the five-year pact, Thomson Reuters will provide software licenses for Eikon, its flagship financial-markets platform, and will supply training and support for the desktop system. The Eikon desktops give Desautels finance students and professors access to essential news, data, analytics and trading tools.

Classified as: Honours in Investment Management, Dean Peter Todd, BCom, Jan Ericsson, Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Published on: 28 Sep 2012
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