Montreal, October 20, 2021 - A person who receives a life-changing diagnosis of dementia has many questions. What changes can I expect to my daily routine? How long can I remain independent? How will this affect my relationship with my loved ones?

Classified as: dementia, caregiver, Care Partner, Alzheimer, Claire Webster, Serge Gauthier, Jose Morais, Grace Dart Foundation, hs-communications, Medical Simulation Centre
Published on: 20 Oct 2021

[…] AI is also finding use in helping physicians detect early signs of Alzheimer’s in the brain and understand how those physical changes unfold in different people. “When a radiologist reads a scan, it’s impossible to tell whether a person will progress to Alzheimer’s disease,” says Pedro Rosa-Neto, a neurologist at McGill University in Montreal.

MIT Tech Review

Classified as: AI, Alzheimer
Published on: 20 Mar 2018

Pour le professeur Salah El Mestikawy de l’université McGill à Montréal, “La plupart de ces baisses n’apparaissent qu’aux stades les plus tardifs de la maladie, à tel point que cette perte pourrait aussi bien être une conséquence de la maladie plutôt que sa cause”.


Classified as: Alzheimer, neurodegenerative, Salah El Mestikawy
Published on: 8 Feb 2018

By Chris Chipello, McGill Newsroom

Surprisingly complex interactions between neurotransmitter receptors and other key proteins help explain the brain’s ability to process information with lightning speed, according to a new study.

Classified as: brain, Pharmacology, Derek Bowie, Alzheimer, neuron, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), health and lifestyle, proteins, receptors, macromolecules, Philip Biggin
Published on: 25 Feb 2016
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