Jazz festivals don't only happen in the summer, and our faculty, students, and alumni are still keeping busy with appearances at different events in the fall. Two such upcoming festivals, the Toronto Undergraduate Jazz Festival and l'Off Jazz, feature a significant number of Schulich-related artists as group leaders or bandmembers, which we've compiled in two lists below. 

Toronto Undergraduate Jazz Festival (Sept. 4 – 8)

Published on: 6 Sep 2018

Students at the Schulich School of Music can apply for an internship with CBC Music, where they'll get the chance to work with CBC Montreal's music team on broadcast recording projects, online editorial pieces and more for optional credit. The deadline to apply is September 22, 2018! Read below for full information.


POSITION: unpaid internship in music production and journalism (for optional credit)

LOCATION: Montreal, QC

Published on: 5 Sep 2018

Congratulations to cellist Elie Boissinot (B.Mus 2020), who was recently awarded a Hnatyshyn Foundation Developing Artist Grant valued at $10,000! Open to post-secondary students across Canada in their penultimate or final year, the grants were established to "foster excellence in new talent." About this success, Elie said "It is a great privilege and honour to be selected to receive such a prestigious grant!

Published on: 31 Aug 2018

Nommée Révélation Radio-Canada pour la saison 2016-2017, l’altiste virtuose Marina Thibeault se produira deux fois cette fin de semaine dans le cadre de la Virée classique: une fois en récital et une fois au sein de l’Ensemble de la Virée. Dans un récent entretien avec La Presse, elle discute de l’influence des grands altistes de l’histoire moderne sur l’évolution du répertoire de l’instrument.

Published on: 30 Aug 2018

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Professor Kenneth Woodman (1938-2018) after a long battle with cancer.

Published on: 22 Aug 2018

Congratulations to several of our professors who recently received Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grants to fund a wide variety of fascinating research projects!

According to the SSHRC, the Insight program was established with the goal to “support and foster excellence in social sciences and humanities research intended to deepen, widen and increase our collective understanding of individuals and societies, as well as to inform the search for solutions to societal challenges.”

Published on: 21 Aug 2018

Congratulations to violinist Amy Hillis (B.Mus 2012, current D.Mus) and bassoonist Kristy Tucker (M.Mus 2017), who were featured in CBC Music's annual "30 hot Canadian classical musicians under 30" roundup. The list highlights some of the most promising young musicians from across Canada, acting as an annual shortlist of the country's brightest new talents in classical music. 

Read CBC Music's full article here.

Published on: 16 Aug 2018

We are very excited to launch our 2018-2019 season, with several brand new additions to the program as well as the usual favourites. Over 600 performances by members of Schulich’s vibrant musical community are on offer, presentations by our world-class researchers as well as visiting guests, masterclasses by international guest artists, a new concert series, and a new composition competition to add to our long-established list of student competitions. 

Published on: 14 Aug 2018

Jam sessions have long been a cornerstone of jazz communities in cities around the world. In addition to offering playing and networking opportunities for the participants, they also act as a chance for anyone who shows up to celebrate the music they love.

In Montreal, there were three main jams for many years – Monday’s session at Upstairs Jazz Bar & Grill, Diese Onze on Tuesday nights, and Grumpy’s Bar on Wednesdays. These events mostly took place around downtown Montreal, so there was an opportunity for a jam to open up in another of the city’s neighbourhoods.

Published on: 9 Aug 2018

In a recent profile by the McGill Reporter, Dean Brenda Ravenscroft discusses her efforts over the past year at the Schulich School of Music, including establishing a diversity mandate.

Published on: 6 Aug 2018

Congratulations to Shanti Nachtergaele, a current PhD student in the musicology program, who was awarded a Vanier Scholarship through the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council for her project “The Birth of Modern Double Bass Playing at the Prague and Paris Conservatories.”

Published on: 24 Jul 2018

We are proud to announce that Prof. Dominique Labelle will be among the three honourees receiving the 2018 Opera Canada Awards! First announced in 2000 by Opera Canada's magazine, “The Rubies” were created to honour the achievements of Canadians making a significant impact in the opera world. 

Published on: 24 Jul 2018

Congratulations to Robert Hasegawa, Associate Professor of Music Theory, who has been named a William Dawson Scholar, one of McGill’s most prestigious internal awards! This award recognizes a scholar who is becoming an outstanding and original researcher of world-class caliber and is poised to become a leader in their field. He will hold the award for a five-year term.

Published on: 13 Jun 2018

Two weeks ago, the Schulich School of Music had the honour in presenting Zarin Mehta with the degree of Doctor of Music, honoris causa. 

Published on: 13 Jun 2018

Congratulations to Vanessa Blais-Tremblay (BMus ‘09, PhD forthcoming), winner of Schulich’s 2017-18 Teaching Award in the teaching assistant/graduate instructor category!

Published on: 6 Jun 2018


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