CARIWIN Developments at CIMH

CARIWIN is working towards improving the capacity of CIMH to meet water management needs of their member states in a multi-stakeholder environment.

CIMH personnel have benefited from training sessions in Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). So far, eight personnel have attended specialized training sessions in Canada, and many more have benefited from CARIWIN events co-delivered by McGill and CIMH in the Caribbean region. Details of the training sessions can be seen by following links to activities in 2010, 2009 , 2008, and 2007.

Resources for teaching and research in IWRM at CIMH have been expanded. To date, the CIMH library gained 37 new books with titles related to hydrology and various aspects of Integrated Water Resources Management (see links at right for list of titles). A new Geographic Information System was installed in the computing lab: ArcGIS 9.2 with 3D Analyst and Spatial Analyst is now available for use in senior level meteorology technician and hydrology technician training. Water quality monitoring equipment, the YSI 556 multi-parameter system ( YSI 556 mulitparameter [.pdf]) was made available for teaching and research. This same equipment was provided to the three CARIWIN partner countries.

CIMH is currently expanding the information products available to its member countries. In response to the collective need for information products that can facilitate the incorporation of climate risk management into decision-making, CARIWIN proposed the Caribbean Drought and Precipitation Monitoring Network (CDPMN) . The development of this regional network to be hosted at CIMH will centralize data and indices for the monitoring of drought and wet episodes in the Caribbean.

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