Where does ASAP 2012 come from?
ASAP 2012 is an iteration of strategic plan, the previous strategic plan. Although much has been accomplished during the past six years, given the many technological, economic and societal changes since that time, it was appropriate to take stock, set new goals, measure progress and plan for the next five years.
The current plan was developed on the basis of 18 months of extensive consultation and feedback with a wide-ranging group of stakeholders including faculty, students and staff from all corners of the University community.
ASAP 2012 reflects and follows up on work initiated through other McGill planning documents, including the Principal’s Task Force reports and recommendations, the Strategic Research Plan, Campaign McGill, the University Master Plan and feedback from Deans, faculty, students, staff, work groups and academic and administrative units. ASAP 2012 was further informed by recommendations from six work groups established for those areas identified in Strengths and Aspirations where additional exploration and follow-up were needed, and addressed the following: Academic Renewal; Best Practices in Academic Endeavours; Career Development for Administrative and Support Staff; Service to Quebec and Canada; Service to the Global Community; and 21st Century Education for the Professions.
Why now?
Our previous strategic plan addressed the challenges of the time. But those challenges have shifted, and ASAP 2012 allows us to respond to a new economic, social, political and economic situation, while setting our priorities for the next five years. So we’re not changing our mission—we’re updating our thinking so we can make the right improvements to the things that matter to you.