Brief guidelines on resident evaluations
Beginning of the rotation
The Clinical Supervisor should meet with the Resident at the beginning of the rotation to discuss the evaluation process, and in particular, should discuss the following:
- delineate the Resident’s role during the rotation;
- outline the duties and responsibilities expected of the Resident;
- outline the goals and objectives of the rotation;
- explain the structure and interrelationships of the health care team, where appropriate;
- advise the Resident on what evaluation tools will be used in the evaluation process;
- and the timing of evaluations (including on-going informal feedback, the mid-rotation evaluation and the ITER).
During the rotation
The Clinical Supervisor should provide regular ongoing informal feedback to Residents during the rotation. Normally, a mid-rotation evaluation is recommended; however, where concerns or deficiencies regarding a Resident’s performance arise during a rotation, a formal mid-rotation evaluation must take place. The Clinical Supervisor should meet with the Resident to discuss the concerns or deficiencies. This face-to-face meeting should occur as soon as reasonably possible during the rotation (generally within two weeks of the midpoint date) so that the Resident has an opportunity to address and correct such concerns or deficiencies.
End of the rotation
At the end of the rotation an evaluation form should be completed within 10 working days. A face to face meeting between the supervisor and resident should take place to encourage an informative evaluation, which provides necessary feedback in order for the resident to progress in the training program
Please note a face-to-face meeting must occur when discussing an evaluation. Any time you have concerns regarding a resident’s progress you should meet with the resident to discuss pertinent issues and feel free to contact the program director at any time.
How to fill in the evaluation
The McGill Anesthesia Evaluation ITER form is formatted according to the CanMEDs competencies. This evaluation should be based on the Rotation Goals and Objectives that were introduced at the beginning of the rotation. Please fill the most accurately all items as relevant to the rotation.
All rotation must have an overall (global) evaluation on the ITER:
- Superior Far exceeds reasonable expectations.
- Satisfactory Meets reasonable expectations.
- Borderline Often falls short of reasonable expectations.
- Unsatisfactory Fall far short of reasonable expectations.
- Incomplete Resident missing more than ¼ of the time commitment.
“Reasonable expectation” should be appropriate to the level of training of candidate.
Guidelines on clinical rotation responsibilities
As a clinical rotation supervisor, you are expected to ensure the best learning experience for the Residents. The following list describes the expectations of a clinical rotation supervisor.
- Ensure that Residents have access to the appropriate case exposure and supervision (please refer to the “Graded Responsibility” document)
- Guide residents’ learning through suggested reading or other
- Review and update the rotation Goals and Objectives (please send to the Residency Program Office)
- Review rotation evaluation annually (provided from the Residency Program Office) and report to the Residency Program Committee appropriate response to improve the rotation.