Mini-Science Links

Here are some links to websites and electronic resources for Mini-Science participants.

McGill Science homepage

Alumnilife, the McGill Alumni Online Community

Science Outreach at McGill broadcasts our scientific expertise to a wider community through programs and activities such as talks, lab visits, family workshops, classroom presentations, and documentary films.

Websites of participating professors

Prof. Brian Alters

Prof. Graham Bell

Prof. Lauren Chapman

Prof. Colin Chapman

Prof. Andrew Gonzalez

Prof. Michel Loreau

Home departments of participating professors

Check them out - you'll find other experts in ecology, evolution, and extinction.

Department of Anthropology

Department of Biology

Department of Geography

McGill School of Environment

Tomlinson Project in University-Level Science Education


The Libraries homepage includes links to all library resources at McGill. Branch libraries of particular interest to Mini-Science include:

Links for further reading

Adaptation, extinction and global change
Graham Bell, Sinéad Collins (2008). Evolutionary Applications 1 (1), 3–16 doi:10.1111/j.1752-4571.2007.00011.x

Sudden "ecosystem flips" imperil world's poorest regions, say water experts
Canadian and Swedish researchers probe links between agriculture and environmental degradation like toxic algae blooms.
News release from McGill University, April 2, 2008

Carbon Dioxide Emission Reduction Assumptions Overly Optimistic, Study Says
News release from ScienceDaily, April 4, 2008,

Seeds of Future Agriculture Enter Doomsday Deep Freeze
Article by David Biello. Scientic American, February 26, 2008,

Tipping the scales
Article by Timothy M. Lenton & Hans Joachim Schellnhuber. Nature Reports Climate Change, published online November 22, 2007; doi:10.1038/climate.2007.65

What You Can Do [no longer available online]
You can make a difference! There are many simple actions that you or your organization can take to reduce waste, save resources and prevent pollution.
From the Environment Canada website

Editorial: special feature on scenarios for ecosystem services.
Carpenter, S. R., E. M. Bennett, and G. D. Peterson. 2006. Ecology and Society 11(2): 32.

The Life Anoxic
Article about Prof. Lauren Chapman's work in Lake Victoria from McGill Headway, Spring 2008.

In Focus, Fall 2007
This edition of the Faculty of Science's newsletter features a "Spotlight on Green Science."

Biodiversity conservation in African inland waters: Lessons of the Lake Victoria region
Plenary lecture by Lauren J. Chapman, Colin A. Chapman, Les Kaufman, Frans Witte, and John Balirwa. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 2008, vol. 30, Part 1, p. 16–34, Stuttgart, January 2008.

The Kibale Health and Conservation Project
This project grew out of McGill University's long-term research and training program that started in 1990, and involves the construction of a medical clinic just inside the main gates of Kibale National Park, Uganda.

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