IPN Retreat 2011 Videos

IPN's video tribute to Dr. David Colman, made for the 2011 Retreat.


The Rapid Round Robin Scientific Speed-Networking Event.


Circadian Rhythms: Dr. Nico Cermakian (Coordinator), Phillipe Boudreau, Adrienne Chu, Sergio D. Lopez, and Kataraina Stojkovic.


Neurophilosophy: Dr. Ian Gold (Coordinator), Dr. Marie Prevost, and Robert Stevens.


Special Session: McGill-Zurich Collaborations. Dr. Roger Nitsch, Dr. Jean-Marc Fritschy, and Dr. Bruno Weber. 


Keynote: Dr. Roberto Malinow (UCSD). "Synapses in Health and Disease."


Retreat After-Party at Thomson House, graduate student bar.

Retreat Poster Sessions. The 2012 Retreat featured 90 Posters presentations.


IPN Retreat's Opening: Provost Anthony, C. Masi; MNI Interim Director, Dr. Phil Barker; IPN Director Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu.

Neurobiology of Disease: Dr. Ted Fon (Coordinator), Woranontee Weraarpachai, Andrew Green, and Dr. Martine Girard.


Keynote: Dr. Chris Kennard (Oxford). "Oculomotor Biomarkers for Neurodegenerative Disease."


Special Session: McGill-Oxford Collaborations. Dr. Katharina Wulff, and Dr. Peter Oliver. 



Colman-Sievers Innovation in Neuroscience Session. Introduction and Ann & Richard Sievers Award Presentations by Dr. Josephine Nalbantoglu and Mr. Marc Sievers.


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