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Closeup of four surgeons in the operating theatre

In Retrospect 2023

The Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery is delighted to present our annual report, In Retrospect 2023.

Congratulations to our 2024 CLIC winners and finalists!

Winner of the First Marika Zelenka Roy Innovation Prize:

ENTobot Inc. team

  • Nader Sadeghi, MD, Professor, Department of Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery, McGill University, and Senior Scientist, RI-MUHC
  • Salar Taki, Research Assistant, Surgical Performance Enhancement and Robotics (SuPER) Centre, RI-MUHC
  • Amir Hooshiar, PhD, Assistant professor and Director of Surgical Performance Enhancement and Robotics (SuPER) Centre, McGill University, and Junior Scientist, RI-MUHC
  • Amir Sayadi, PhD student, Experimental Surgery, McGill University
  • Renzo Cecere, MD, Associate Professor, Department of Surgery, McGill University, and Scientist, RI-MUHC
  • Camille Caron, Medical Liaison, ENTobot Inc.

RIMUHC 2024 CLIC Winners & Finalists


The Department of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery

News Release!


MCH receives otolaryngology award in the U.S.

Hats off to Dr. Ching Yee Chan and Dr. Sam Daniel of the Montreal Children's Hospital (MCH) and the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC)! The pair’s research has been recognized with a prestigious award from the American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO).

Their study "Otologic safety of intratympanic n-acetylcysteine", presented at the ASPO annual meeting last May, has won the William Potsic Basic Science Award for best research paper.

The study examined the safety of the use of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in the eardrums of an animal model when combined with Ciprodex. NAC is an antioxidant and mucolytic agent; Ciprodex® is a mixture of antibiotics and steroids used to treat ear infections.

NAC is effective against bacterial cells and in reducing the thickness of mucus, which led the researchers to believe it could be useful in the treatment of chronically discharging ears that don’t respond to traditional treatments. 

The research suggests that a combination of NAC and Ciprodex® is safe in guinea pigs and supports its potential use in the treatment of chronically discharging ears. Further studies are needed to assess the effectiveness of the combination in humans compared to conventional treatments.

Dr. Ching Yee Chan is an otolaryngologist from Singapore who has come to the MCH for post-doctoral training in pediatric otolaryngology and research at the RI-MUHC.

The auditory sciences laboratory headed by Dr. Daniel has also just received a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to carry out studies on hearing, in collaboration with Dr. Robert Funnell of McGill University.

Congratulations to the winners for their contribution to science!



Dr. Sampath Loganathan

Recipient of FRQS Junior 1 Chercheur Boursier Award

This is a well deserved recognition of his research in the field of functional genomics in head and neck cancer, using cutting edge gene editing tools in our Head and Neck Translational Laboratory at RI MUHC, part of functional genomic program of CRP at RI MUHC. His research has brought new technology for genomics research at McGill benefitting the university and all its affiliate research institutions beyond its application in head and neck cancer. The laboratory is very busy currently with 7 students in MSc and PhD level and a post-doctoral trainee under his leadership working on various research projects.





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Head & Neck Surgery Fund

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McGill Rhinology Fund

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