The 2014 Balles Prize in Critical Thinking, an award for excellence in the promotion of science and reason, was given this year to the creators, producers, and writers of Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, and to Dr. Joe Schwarcz for his book Is That a Fact? The Balles Prize is given annually by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (CSI), publisher of the magazine Skeptical Inquirer.

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, McGill University, OSS
Published on: 9 Jul 2015

Vani Hari, who goes by the alias “The Food Babe” has become a real social phenomenon. She blogs, appears on TV and has just come out with a book that quickly made it to the New York Times best seller list. She has lots of followers and lots of critics, including myself. I don’t disagree with her goal of improving people’s eating habits. I just disagree with the methods used. Irrational fear-mongering is not the way to go. "There is just no acceptable level of any chemical to ingest, ever," she says.

Classified as: OSS, Office for Science and Society, Faculty of Science
Published on: 15 Mar 2015

Don't forget to join us October 6 and 7 for the 2014 Lorne Trottier Public Science Symposium "ARE WE ALONE?"

Classified as: OSS, Lorne Trottier, trottier symposium
Published on: 7 Aug 2014

I spent quite some time talking with the reporter who wrote this story about the Food Babe. She did quote me correctly but as far as having lots of fans and "some" critics goes...well those "some" consist of members of the scientific community who know a lot more about food science than the "fans."

Read More: Charlotte’s Food Babe has lots of fans – and some critics

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, McGill University, OSS, Office for Science and Society, Food Babe
Published on: 18 Jul 2014

Dr. Joe Writes About Quackery

Posted by  on April 29, 2014 (49 Comments)

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, book review, Is that a Fact?
Published on: 8 May 2014

Click to see video:

 Is that a Fact Promo   

In Bookstores: May 1st!

Book Launch:May 8, 7pm Atwater Public Library -- Everyone is invited!

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, McGill University, OSS, Office for Science and Society, book launch, Is that a Fact?
Published on: 29 Apr 2014

Joe Schwarcz: Making science palatable without trivializing it

Millions know him simply as “Dr. Joe,” the McGill University chemistry professor who has spent the last 30 years popularizing science, exposing frauds, charlatans and quacks of all stripes, and defending the scientific method with passion, wit and clarity. For the last 15 years, Schwarcz has conducted a lot of his work from the McGill Office of Science and Society in campus quarters lined with several thousand science books and dozens of rubber ducky “quacks” he’s collected.
Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, McGill University. Canadian Jewish News
Published on: 29 Apr 2014

A Treatment for Chemophobia

"Hey, aren't you somebody?" the teenager queried as I got into the elevator.

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, Huffington Post, Office for Science
Published on: 14 Apr 2014

Date: May 8, 2014

Time: 7-9pm

Location: Atwater Library  -- 1200 Atwater Ave, Westmount

RSVP: jenna [at]

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, McGill University, OSS, Office for Science and Society, book launch
Published on: 11 Apr 2014

Just received the first copies of my 14th book "Is That a Fact." Should be in the stores within a couple of weeks. Official launch is May 8 at 5 PM, Atwater Public Library in Montreal.

First advance review is in:
Is That a Fact?: Frauds, Quacks, and the Real Science of Everyday Life.
Schwarcz, Joe (Author)
May 2014. 280 p. ECW, paperback, $17.95. (9781770411906). 500.

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, book review
Published on: 28 Mar 2014

You’ve seen the stories: There’s Lead in Your Lipstick! Pthalates in Your Shampoo! Parabens in Everything!


Our cosmetics are awash in toxic chemicals, or so it seems. Are we in imminent danger? Should we throw them all out and go au naturelle? Or slather away in a fool’s paradise, only to develop cancer – or worse, pass on our toxic habits to our children as birth defects? Why are there toxins in our products at all? And if these toxins are so dangerous, why isn’t anything being done?


A Scientific Opinion

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, Faculty of Science
Published on: 18 Mar 2014

The McGill Reporter

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, Iron Chef
Published on: 13 Feb 2014

Listen live at 3pm Eastern time

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS
Published on: 2 Feb 2014

What is it like to teach a class of more than 20,000 students? I don’t know, but I’m about to find out. Colleagues David Harpp and Ariel Fenster and I have been selected to offer McGill’s first “massive open online course,” known in the trade as a MOOC.

Classified as: Joe Schwarcz, OSS, Faculty of Science, Office for Science and Society, MOOC
Published on: 17 Jan 2014


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