Peter S. McPherson

Opinion: Scientists Need to Demand Better Antibody Validation

My lab has developed a protocol to easily assess the specificity of antibodies—and hopefully stem some of the reproducibility crisis.


Click here to read the full article.

Published on: 30 Oct 2019

Scientists demonstrate flaws in protein detection tools, and outline a solution

A new study points to the need for better antibody validation, and outlines a process that other labs can use to make sure the antibodies they work with function properly.

Antibodies are used in laboratories and clinics to study proteins, which are the biomolecules that translate information from an organism’s genes into the structure, function, and regulation of its tissues and organs. Genetic mutations can cause protein imbalances or malfunctions, leading to human disease.

Classified as: ALS, Peter McPherson, antibodies, proteins, genetics, reproducibility, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, genes
Published on: 15 Oct 2019

Congratulations to Lysandre Champagne, CIRM's BMO Doctoral Fellow for 2019-2020, for the reception of a SSHRC PhD Scholarship! Champagne is currently pursuing a research project entitled "Les rapports de genre dans la scène musicale montréalaise émergente" at McGill University's Department of Sociology, under the supervision of Jan Doering.


Classified as: Lysandre Champagne, CRIEM, CIRM, CRSH
Published on: 21 Sep 2019

Around 75 students joined faculty and staff from the Faculty of Science at Thomson House last week to celebrate their experience as undergraduate researchers over the summer.

In his welcoming remarks, Bruce Lennox, Dean of the Faculty of Science, acknowledged the students’ contributions in McGill’s “intense research environments”.

Published on: 22 Aug 2019

Congratulations to Dr. Marc McKee for receiving the ASBMR 2019 Adele L. Boskey Award! The Adele L Boskey Esteemed Award for Bone and Mineral Research recognizes an American Society for Bone and Mineral Research member for outstanding and major scientific contributions, leadership and mentorship in the area of bone and mineral research especially in the areas of mechanisms of mineralization, bone mineral, bone quality, and mechanobiology.

Published on: 13 Aug 2019

AI and virtual reality can determine neurosurgeon expertise with 90% accuracy

Machine learning-guided virtual reality simulators can help neurosurgeons develop the skills they need before they step in the operating room, according to a new study.

Classified as: MNI, rolando del maestro, neurosurgical stimulation, Artificial intelligence, Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), National Research Council of Canada, NeuroVR
Published on: 2 Aug 2019

CIRM is pleased to welcome linguist Fabio Scetti for a three-months research residency!

Classified as: Fabio Scetti, sociolinguistique, sociolinguistic, linguistic, linguistique, CRIEM, CIRM, Sorbonne Nouvelle, CLESTHIA, études montréalaises, Montreal, montreal studies
Published on: 21 Jun 2019

This document summarizes activity carried out from 2014-2018. It illustrates Dialogue McGill’s intent, in Phase 3 of its development, to strengthen ties between its partners, standardize its programs, and refine impact measurement.

Dialogue McGill – Main Achievements 2014-2018


Classified as: Dialogue McGill, report, achievements, Phase 3, language training, retention, Health and Social Services, bursary program, health and language, Research
Published on: 7 Jun 2019

What Happens When Libraries Play? Place aux jeux: quand les bibliothèques s’en mêlent ! McGill Library, Montreal Québec

"When we play, we explore the limits of the possible" –Thomas Hendricks.

Classified as: ROAAr – Rare Books, Osler, Art, Archives, Library news
Published on: 31 May 2019

HBHL-supported inaugural meeting of the Global Brain Consortium to explore the potential of EEG to pave the way

On May 9 and 10, experts from around the world will gather at McGill University to address global disparities in brain and mental health research and treatment, especially in low- and middle-income countries.

Published on: 8 May 2019

Congratulations to the awardees of 2024 CIRM-AIEQ Mobility Grants! CIRM-AIEQ scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis and designed to enable emerging researchers in Montreal Studies to take part in a scientific meeting outside Quebec or to conduct a research project at CIRM.

Published on: 2 May 2019


"Ce programme permet aux non-francophones d’apprendre le français dans un contexte familier, mais il favorise également, chez les jeunes qui visitent les nouveaux locuteurs, une meilleure compréhension de la réalité de nos nouveaux compatriotes. Tout le monde y gagne!"

Published on: 10 Apr 2019

Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision

Two researchers from The Neuro are among just ten nationwide to receive Early-Career Capacity Building Grants this year from the Azrieli Foundation in partnership with the Brain Canada Foundation. Researchers Adrien Peyrache and Stuart Trenholm will study epilepsy and vision, respectively. The grants support early-career investigators who are conducting transformative research to advance understanding of the brain, in illness or health.

Classified as: Adrien Peyrache, stuart trenholm, epilepsy, Brain Canada, Azrieli Foundation, vision
Published on: 11 Mar 2019

Dr Emily McDonald was appointed the Divisional Lead in Quality and Innovation within the Division of General Internal Medicine to develop and lead quality improvement and innovation projects. She will be investigating areas such as understanding the limitations of current clinical practices, improving patient experiences, patient outcomes, timeliness of care, streamlining and development of care pathways, value of care provided and laboratory or administrative processes.

Published on: 7 Mar 2019

Large international study will help select and categorize patients for better clinical trials

A large multi-centre study of more than 1,200 patients provides important predictors of Parkinson’s disease progression, which will allow better candidate selection for clinical trials and more effective therapy development.

Classified as: Parkinson's disease, Parkinson's, Ron Postuma, REM sleep disorder, Research
Published on: 4 Mar 2019


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