Le parcours de l’escrimeur, spécialiste du sabre, Joseph Polossifakis vers les Jeux olympiques de Rio n’a pas été de tout repos. Le Montréalais de 25 ans a raconté son aventure à Métro.

Published on: 4 Aug 2016

An actor’s job is to create and bring to life characters, much like a senior leader may have to put on a game-face in order to better lead a team. Traditionally, analysis and critical thinking were valued over emotional intelligence and people-skills due to the fact that the former are more easily quantifiable. In today’s digital age, much has changed. Dale Carneige, Stephen Covey, Ray Dalio, many others have professed the importance of living consciously and developing emotional intelligence through well-constructed advice.

Classified as: Karl Moore
Published on: 4 Aug 2016

The ‘biggest loser’ in weight loss groups is more motivational than the average group weight loss, new research from the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University finds.

Assistant Professor Nathan Yang found that the top performer has an encouraging effect, acting as an inspirational target that doesn’t alienate those who fail to reach it.

Read full article: BDaily, August 3, 2016 

Classified as: nathan yang
Published on: 4 Aug 2016

Environ 50 000 altermondialistes du Québec et d'ailleurs sont attendus à Montréal à partir du 9 août pour participer au Forum social mondial (FSM), qui se tient pour la première fois dans un pays occidental.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 3 Aug 2016

Brittany Klumak, student of the Graduate Certificate in the Professional Accounting (GCPA) program, has been selected among her graduating class as this year’s recipient of the C. Douglas Mellor Prize for academic excellence.

The prize, which is valued at $2,300, is named after Douglas Mellor, the first Executive Director of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Quebec, now  the Ordre des comptables agrées du Québec, and is awarded each year to honor Mellor’s enduring contributions to both McGill University and his profession.


Classified as: Graduate Certificate in Professional Accounting (GCPA Program)
Published on: 1 Aug 2016

From EMBA McGill-HEC Montréal, July 26, 2016:

"Last week, Clément Joubert, pianist, former director of the McGill Conservatory and a 2015 McGill-HEC Montréal EMBA graduate, launched Men’s Seasons, a new range of skincare products designed for men, which meets the seasonally specific needs of the skin. The products are made in Quebec and sold online.

Classified as: Marcel Desautels Institute for Integrated Management, Sustainability, EMBA, Sustainability Initiative
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

You probably know people who have had some sort of cancer. You also know many more who will be getting these diseases—you just don’t know who they are. So when you “Run for Cancer”, the money likely goes for those people who have the disease, to find a cure, rather than to the investigation of cause, so that many more people needn’t get the disease in the first place. We certainly need to celebrate concern for the ill, but shouldn’t we show equivalent concern for the healthy, so that they don’t get ill? Is not an ounce of prevention worth a pound of cure?

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

Can you believe Week 7 has already passed? Its incredible how quickly our startups are nearing their McGill X-1 Accelerator graduation and we can’t wait to celebrate!

With only two weeks left for the program, it’s time to switch into high gear and get ready for McGill Montreal Demo Day on September 7th. To learn more about Demo Day, as well as the amazing guest speakers who shared their stories with our startups this past week, keep reading!

Classified as: Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

From the rise of social media campaigns such as #blacklivesmatter and #oscarssowhite to the anti-immigration rhetoric fuelling the Brexit and U.S. presidential campaigns, race has dominated conversations worldwide in 2016.

There’s a long-standing tradition among businesses spanning industries to try and control the narrative around what they do “and say this is the truth and this is our version and our version is correct,” says Dror Etzion, associate professor of strategy and organizations at McGill University’s Desautels Faculty of Management in Montreal.

Classified as: Dror Etzion
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

Recognizing the need to give students real-world experience as well as the ability to apply what they’ve learned in class about asset management, York University this year created a student investment fund.

Using $60,000 donated by alumni and others, a team of 15 to 20 student analysts take a value investment approach to the portfolio, seeking to achieve a positive return while minimizing risk.

...Sebastien Betermier, a finance professor at the Desautels Faculty of Management at McGill University in Montreal, calls the competitions “varsity academics.”

Classified as: Sebastien Betermier
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

This year, hundreds of eager entrepreneurs competed to win $200,000 in funding, and for the opportunity to pitch their ideas to experienced investors and mentors. The participants also met legendary and inspirational startup celebrities from companies such as Reddit, Shopify and Oculus.

Classified as: Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship, McGill Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurship
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

Dès demain, Men’s Seasons, une toute nouvelle gamme de soins conçue au Québec pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de la peau des hommes au fil des saisons, sera offerte sur le web. La Presse a discuté avec son fondateur et président, Clément Joubert, afin d’en savoir plus.

L’idée derrière Men’s Seasons a germé alors que Clément Joubert terminait son MBA. Sa dissertation finale s’intéressait à la psychologie du comportement masculin à travers la consommation des produits de beauté.

Classified as: Clement Joubert
Published on: 28 Jul 2016

As dean of Harvard Business School, part of Nitin Nohria’s job is to mythologise its vast campus. The inauguration last month of yet another new building offered a perfect marketing opportunity.

Not all are convinced that it equates to real experience, however. Henry Mintzberg, a McGill University management professor, is a long-time critic of MBAs and the case method, which he sees as too theoretical. He characterises the Field innovation as “young know-nothings shooting off their mouths about things they don’t understand”.

Classified as: Henry Mintzberg
Published on: 25 Jul 2016

La Presse donne la parole aux grands dirigeants du Québec. Chaque vendredi, un patron répond à cinq questions posées par le chef d'entreprise interviewé la semaine précédente. Et ainsi de suite.


Âge : 55 ans

Études : Alain Bellemare est titulaire d'un baccalauréat en génie mécanique de l'Université de Sherbrooke et d'un MBA de l'Université McGill.

En poste depuis : février 2015

Nombre d'employés : 65 000, dont 17 000 au Québec

Classified as: Faculty Advisory Board, Alain M Bellemare
Published on: 25 Jul 2016

Natif de Lacolle, Alain Pinsonneault est un professeur à l'université McGill et un chercheur de renommée internationale. Ses travaux portent notamment sur les impacts des technologies de l'information sur les organisations. Il a été décoré de l'Ordre national du Québec par le premier ministre Philippe Couillard, lors d'une cérémonie qui s'est tenue le 22 juin, à l'Assemblée nationale.

Lire l'article complet: Coup d'Oeil, le 23 juin, 2016 

Classified as: Alain Pinsonneault
Published on: 25 Jul 2016


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