Dr. Eric Latimer (Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health Associate member) is quoted in the Winnipeg Sun on August 29, 2020.

Read the full article

Classified as: SPGH
Published on: 2 Oct 2020

McGill Professor David Buckeridge (Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health) comments in this August 28 National Post article.

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Classified as: SPGH
Published on: 2 Oct 2020

Algeria’s Ministry of Public Health – recognizing the country’s need for greater access to advanced radiotherapy technology and techniques for cancer patients and the healthcare professionals that treat them – has invested heavily in radiation therapy solutions over the last few years.

Published on: 13 Feb 2020

Dr David Hornstein was on The Sunday Edition on CBC Radio to explain The Bridge Program, which he initiated in Intensive Care Units.

See and hear the full story here: 



Published on: 9 Dec 2019

All of the following books are now available for loan at the Neuro Patient Resource Centre


Classified as: News and Events for Patients
Published on: 27 Dec 2018

Press Release May 23, 2018. Announcement at McGill University 

(l to r): Louis Arsenault (McGill); Gerald Cutting (Townshippers’ Association); Iris Unger, (Youth Employment Services); Kathleen Weil (Minister responsible for Relations with English-Speaking Quebecers); Daniel Weinstock (McGill’s Institute for Health and Social Policy and Dialogue McGill); and Caroline van Rossum (CIUSSS Estrie-CHUS). Photo: Owen Egan


Classified as: Agreement, Secretariat for relations with English-speaking Quebecers, English-speaking graduates’, employability
Published on: 31 May 2018

Tailored for Québec nurses, this learning software aims at making professionals aware about linguistic correctness and good use of communication in health context, as well as encouraging their listening abilities. It will address the needs of intermediate level learners. Characterized by various scenarios from working environment with multiple choices of wordings to listen to and among which to choose the correct and appropriate one, the approach is both practical and fun.

Published on: 4 May 2018

Collaboration between departmental members Drs. D. Reinhardt and P. Campeau has received new 5-year funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research for the grant entitled “Role of fibronectin mutations in spondylometaphyseal dysplasia and idiopathic scoliosis” in the amount of $680,850. Congratulations!



Published on: 9 Mar 2018

The Neuro is recognized as a major Canadian center for ALS research and patient care. During June, designated ALS Month, The Neuro redoubles its efforts to inform the public and the media about amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and urges all to help support ALS research.

Classified as: ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Neurology, neuroscience, Angela Genge, Dr. Angela Genge, Rami Massie, Guy Rouleau, Bernard Brais, Heather Durham, Heidi McBride, Peter McPherson, Eric Shoubridge, Stefano Stifani, Hiroshi Tsuda
Published on: 13 Jun 2016

Raising awareness about stroke


Every ten minutes, someone in Canada suffers a stroke. Strokes kill 14,000 Canadians each year, making stroke the third leading cause of death in this country.

The Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro) hopes to increase public awareness about the dangers of stroke by marking Stroke Month. People who learn about the causes of stroke can take measures to reduce their chances of having a stroke.


What is a stroke?


Classified as: stroke, stroke month, Montreal Neurological Institute, Maria Del Pilar Cortes Nino, Jeanne Teitelbaum
Published on: 6 Jun 2016

Research led by Dr Hossein Heris of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Dr Jamal Daoud of the Department of Biomedical Engineering is featured on the cover of the journal Advanced Healthcare Materials. Their article describes the successful adhesion of human fibroblast cells to a scaffold biomaterial composed of hyaluronic acid and gelatin composite microgels.

Classified as: engineering research, Mongeau
Published on: 27 Jan 2016

The McGill Division of Cancer Epidemiology has recently launched the CATCH study to test the effectiveness of a Carrageenan-based gel in preventing the tranmission of HPV. Carrageenan is derived from red algae, and commonly used as a thickening agent in food products. It could represent an inexpensive method of prevention against the virus, whereas the vaccine and screening procedures are considerably more expensive.

Classified as: women, health, Cancer, HPV, CATCH, lubricant, safe, sex, studies, study, Carrageenan, epidemiology, woman, STI
Published on: 25 Mar 2013

Vitamin B12 deficiency: tracking the genetic causes

Published on: 28 Aug 2012

In a new study, researchers have uncovered fresh evidence of a genetic predisposition to eating disorders that is passed on from mothers to daughters.

Published on: 26 Aug 2012

Selected by Travel & Leisure magazine as one of the world's most beautiful universities… McGill’s 79-acre campus, punctuated by a series of pavilions that were built over hundreds of years, has a unified design derived from the college’s Scottish roots (the school was founded by Scottish trader James McGill in 1821).

Published on: 24 Aug 2012


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