Foxen, P. (2010). Local narratives of distress and resilience: Lessons in psychosocial well- being among the K'iche' Maya in post war Guatemala. The Journal of Latin American and Caribbean...
Selected Publications Fernando, S. (2009, September/October). Wellbeing for All. Openmind 159, 14. Fernando, S.& Weerackody, C. Challenges in Developing Community...
Selected Publications Fernando, S. & Weerackody, C. (2009). Challenges in Developing Community Mental Health Services in Sri Lanka . Journal of Health Management 11...
Selected Publications Godoy Paiz, P. (2008). Women in Guatemala’s Metropolitan Area: Violence, Law, and Social Justice. Studies in Social Justice 2(1), 27-47.
This directory will link you to individuals and organizations of interest to our program. If you or your organization would like to be listed, please contact Consuelo Errazuriz.
Opportunities for LMIC Participants Summer Student Fellowships Six one-month Summer Student Fellowships (stipends) will be awarded to qualified graduate students or faculty members from local...