Zhana Duren, PhD
Associate Professor
Department of Medical & Molecular Genetics |
Indiana University School of Medicine/epi-biostat-occhCategory: Epidemiology Monday Seminar Series
Amélie Boutin, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pediatrics | Faculty of Medicine | Université Laval/epi-biostat-occhCategory: Epidemiology Monday Seminar Series
Prasad Patil, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Biostatistics |
Boston University School of Public Health/epi-biostat-occhCategory: Epidemiology Monday Seminar Series
Marie Davidian, PhD
J. Stuart Hunter Distinguished Professor
Department of Statistics |
North Carolina State University/epi-biostat-occhCategory: Epidemiology Monday Seminar Series
Abstract: Carbon sequestration practices have the dual benefit of replenishing soil organic matter levels while simultaneously mitigating greenhouse gas emissions by capturing and storing carbon in...
Abstract: Climate change has resulted in an increase in the global mean temperature. In recent decades, Canada has seen a rise in the frequency, duration, and intensity of heat waves./equity-ethics...
Abstract: This talk explores how preservation engineering adapts current buildings to withstand more extreme weather, altered trends in temperature fluctuations and environmental stresses, while...
Abstract: There is clear evidence that climate change will alter the timing, intensity, and geographic range of infectious disease outbreaks with important implications for public health./equity...
Lyda Osorio, MD, PhD
Professor of Epidemiology
School of Public Health | Universidad del Valle - Colombia/epi-biostat-occhCategory: Epidemiology Monday Seminar Series