Leonardo Baccini
Academic title(s):
Professor of International Political Economy; Associate Member, Department of Economics
Leacock 513
PhD, Trinity College Dublin
Curriculum vitae:
Research areas:
International Relations
Areas of interest:
International political economy
Comparative political economy
International trade
International organizations
Selected publications:
- Cutting the Gordian Knot of Economic Reform: When and How International Institutions Help, with Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University). Oxford University Press, 2014.
Peer-reviewed journals
- The Social Construction of Global Health Priorities: An Empirical Analysis of Contagion in Bilateral Health Aid, with Mirko Heinzel (University of Potsdam) and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (LSE). Forthcoming in International Studies Quarterly.
- Services, Jobs, and Economic Development in Africa, , with Matteo Fiorini (OECD), Bernard Hoekman (EUI), and Marco Sanfilippo (University of Turin & Collegio Carlo Alberto). RSC Working Paper 2021/82. Technical appendix available here. Forthcoming in The World Bank Research Observer.
- Trade Liberalization and Labor Market Institutions, with Mattia Guidi (University of Siena), Arlo Poletti (University of Trento), and Aydin Yildirim (EUI). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1017/S0020818321000138. International Organization, vol 76(1), 2022: 70-104
- Agricultural Comparative Advantage and Legislators' Support for Trade Agreements, with Francesco Amodio (McGill), Giogio Chiovelli (UoM) and Michele Di Maio (La Sapienza). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1086/715590. The Journal of Politics, vol 84(2), 2022.
- Gone For Good: Deindustrialization, White Voter Backlash, and US Presidential Voting , with Steve Weymouth (Georgetown University). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0003055421000022 (First View). Co-winner of the 2018 David A. Lake Award. American Political Science Review, 115(2), 2021: 550-567 . Covered by AP. 2022 Michael Wallerstein Best Article Award for the best article in political economy published in 2021.
- The COVID-19 Pandemic and the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election, with Abel Brodeur (Ottawa) and Steve Weymouth (Georgetown). Covered by USA Today, National Newswatch, The Conversation, and swissinfo.ch. Journal of Population Economics, 34(2), 2021: 739-767.
- Terrorism and Electoral Behavior: Evidence from the United States, with Abel Brodeur (Ottawa), Sean Nossek (McGill), and Eran Shor (McGill). Research & Politics, 13 January 2021, https://doi.org/10.1177/2053168020987333.
- Explaining Governors’ Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States, with Abel Brodeur (Ottawa). IZA Discussion Paper No. 13137. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1532673X20973453. American Political Research, vol 49(2), 2021.
- Do Natural Disasters Help the Environment? Evidence from Direct Democracy, with Lucas Leemann (Essex). Political Science Research and Methods, 9(3), 2021: 468-484. 2022 PSRM Best Paper Award.
- Security, Trade, and Political Violence, with Francesco Amodio (McGill University) and Michele Di Maio (University of Rome, La Sapienza). Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 19(1), 2021: 1-30. Leading article.
- Globalization and State Capitalism: Assessing Vietnam Accession to the WTO, with Giammario Impullitti (University of Nottingham) and Edmund J. Malesky (Duke University). Journal of International Economics, vol. 119, 2019: 75-92. Covered by The Economist.
- The Economics and Politics of Preferential Trade Agreements. Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 22, May 2019.
- The Service Economy: Understanding Sectoral Differences in Patterns of Lobbying for Trade in the United States with Iain Osgood (University of Michigan) and Stephen Weymouth (Georgetown University). Review of International Organizations, 14(2), 2019: 261-96.
- Global Value Chains and Product Differentiation: Changing the Politics of Trade with Andreas Dur (University of Salzburg). Global Policy 9(52), 2018: 49-57.
- Intra-Industry Trade, Global Value Chains, and Preferential Tariff Liberalization with Andreas Dur (University of Salzburg) and Manfred Elsig (WTI, Bern). International Studies Quarterly, 62(2), 2018: 329-340.
- Regional Competition, Business Politicians, and Subnational Fiscal Policy, with Quan Li (Texas A&M), Irina Mirkina (Lund University), and Kristina Johnson. Business and Politics, 20(3), 2018: 410-37.
- The Politics of Preferential Trade Liberalization in Authoritarian Countries, with Wilfred Chow (UC Davis). International Interactions, 44(2), 2018: 189-216.
- Counterterrorist Legislation and Respect for Civil Liberties: An Inevitable Collision?, with Eran Shor (McGill), Chi-ting Tsai, Tai-Ho Lin, and Titus Chen. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 41(5), 2018: 339-364.
- The Distributional Consequences of Preferential Trade Liberalization: Firm-Level Evidence, with Pablo Pinto (University of Houston) and Stephen Weymouth (Georgetown University). International Organization, 71(2), 2017: 373-95.
- Internet Effects in Times of Political Crisis: Online Newsgathering and Attitudes Towards the European Union, with Maria Laura Sudulich (EUI) and Matthew T. Wall (Swansea University). Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 80(2), 2016: 411-436.
- The Politics of Trade Agreement Design: Revisiting the Depth-Flexibility Nexus, with Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg) and Manfred Elsig (WTI Bern). International Studies Quarterly, vol 59(4), 2015: 765-775.
- Wired Voters: The Effects of Internet Use on Voters’ Electoral Uncertainty, with M. Laura Sudulich (EUI) and Matthew T. Wall (Swansea University). British Journal of Political Science, vol 45(4), 2015: 853-881.
- Investment Discrimination and the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements, with Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg). Journal of Conflict Resolution, vol 59(4), 2015: 617-644.
- Why Do States Commit to International Labor Standards?: Interdependent Ratification of Core ILO Conventions, 1948–2009, with Mathias Koenig-Archibugi (LSE). World Politics, vol 66(3), 2014: 446-490.
- The Design of International Trade Agreements: Introducing a New Database, with Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg) and Manfred Elsig (WTI Bern). Review of International Organizations, vol 9(3), 2014: 353-375.
- Corporate Tax Cuts and Foreign Direct Investment, with Quan Li (Texas A&M) and Irina Mirkina (Lund University). Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol 32(4), 2014: 977-1006.
- International Institutions and Domestic Politics: Can Preferential Trading Agreements Help Leaders Promote Economic Reform?, with Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University). The Journal of Politics, vol. 76(1), 2014: 195-214.
- Before Ratification: Understanding the Timing of International Treaty Effects on Domestic Politics, with Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University). International Studies Quarterly 58(1), 2014: 29-43.
- Cheap Talk: Transaction Costs, Quality of Institutions, and Trade Agreements. European Journal of International Relations, vol. 20(1), 2014: 80-117.
- Global Energy Governance: Trade, Infrastructure, and the Diffusion of International Organizations, with Veronica Lenzi (IMT Lucca) and Paul Thurner (University of Munich). International Interactions, vol. 39(2), 2013: 192-216.
- Strategic Side Payments: Preferential Trading Agreements, Economic Reform, and Foreign Aid, with Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University). The Journal of Politics, 74(4), 2012: 932 - 949.
- Preventing Protectionism: International Institutions and Trade Policy, with Soo Yeon Kim (National University of Singapore). Review of International Organizations, vol. 7(4), 2012: 369-398.
- Democratization and Trade Policy: An Empirical Analysis of Developing Countries. European Journal of International Relations, vol 18(3), 2012: 454-478.
- Legislative Fractionalization and Partisan Shifts to the Left Increase the Volatility of Public Energy R&D Expenditures, with Johannes Urpelainen (Columbia University). Energy Policy, vol. 46(1), 2012: 49-57.
- The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependence, with Andreas Dür (University of Salzburg). British Journal of Political Science, vol 42(1), 2012: 57-79.
- Explaining Formation and Design of EU Trade Agreements: The Role of Transparency and Flexibility. European Union Politics, vol 11(2), 2010: 195-217.
Selected Working Papers
- Austerity, Economic Vulnerability, and Populism, with Thomas Sattler (UNIGE). Revisions requested at the American Journal of Political Science.
- Firms’ (In)Equality and Attitudes toward Migration, with Magnus Lodefalk (Orebro University) and Radka Sabolova (Orebro University). Revisions requested at International Organization.
- Automation, Offshoring, and the Demand for Radical Political Action, with Costin Ciobanu (McGill) and Krzysztof Pelc (McGill).
- Economic Shocks and Policy Preferences: Experimental Evidence, with Mattia Guidi (Uni of Siena) and Arlo Poletti (Uni of Trento).
- Trade Agreements: What Do Governments Maximize?, with Francesco Amodio (McGill), Giorgio Chiovelli (UdM), and Michele Di Maio (University of Rome, La Sapienza).