Welcome to the LYLE WHYTE'S and the POLAR MICROBIOLOGY LAB website
Department of Natural Resources Sciences
Macdonald Campus, McGill University
Co-Chair, Canadian Local Organizing Committee, ISME 2016 Conference in Montreal.
Member, ESA ExoMars Landing Site Selection Working Group (LSSWG), 2013-2018
Member, CSA Planetary Exploration Consultation Committee (PECC), Sept. 2013-2016
Associate Editor, Microbial Ecology Section, Canadian Journal of Microbiology
Editorial Board Member, International J. Astrobiology
Member, Conference Selection Committee - International Polar and Alpine Microbiology Conference. 2013-2016
Principal Investigator, NSERC CREATE Canadian Astrobiology Training Program (CATP) 2009 - 2015
Canada Research Chair - Environmental Microbiology (2003-2014)
Chair, FEMS 2015 Congress, Workshop on ‘Archaea and life in extreme environments