Katrine A. Stewart PhD
Associate Professor
katrine.stewart [at] mcgill.ca (E-mail)
Research interests
Dr Stewart's expertise is in the area of physiology and production of vegetable crops. The emphasis in her laboratory is on plant response to stress conditions and/or changes in microclimate. Current projects include: 1) modelling melon growth and development; 2) effects of the environment on changes in the spectral analysis of plastic mulches; 3) the use of thermal tubes to alter the radiation balance inside mini-tunnels; and 4) the effect of optical properties of mulch on aphid populations in pepper.
Recent publications
Brault, D., Stewart, K.A. and Jenni., S. Optical properties of paper and polyethylene mulches used for weed control in lettuce. HortScience. v. 37, no. 1, 2002, pp. 87-91.
Brault, D., Stewart, K.A. and Jenni., S. Growth, development and yield of head lettuce cultivated on paper and polyethylene mulch. HortScience, v. 37, no. 1, 2002, pp. 92-94.
Baker, L.B.B., Henning, J.C., Jenni, S. and Stewart, K.A. An economic and energy analysis of melon production using plasticulture. Acta Horticulturae, v. 519, no. 9, 2000, pp. 231-238.
Madakadze, I.C., Madakadze, R.M., Stewart, K., Peterson, P.B., Coulman, B.E. and Smith, D.L. Effect of preplant seed conditioning treatment on the germination of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) seeds. Seed Sci. Tech., v. 28, 2000, pp. 403-411.
Paré, M., Paulitz, T.C. and Stewart, K.A. Composting of crucifer wastes using geotextile covers. Compost Science, v.18, no. 1, 2000, pp. 36-45. Stewart, K.A. and Aziz, F. Effects of placement and water chlorination of thermal-water tubes on the temperatures in mini-tunnel environments. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress for Plastics in Agriculture and the 29th National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 2000, pp. 431- 438.
Stewart, K.A., Aziz, F and Jenni, S. Effects of mini-tunnel microclimate on growth and development of muskmelon. Proceedings of the 15th International Congress for Plastics in Agriculture and the 29th National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 2000, pp. 422- 430.
Baker. L.B.B. , Henning, J.C. Jenni, S., Fava, E and Stewart, K.A. An economic and energy analysis of a number of pepper production systems using a range of nitrogen levels, plastic mulch and irrigation. Proceedings of the 27th National Agricultural Plastics Congress, 1999, pp. 82-87.
Isse,A.A. , A..F. MacKenzie, K. Stewart, D. C. Cloutier and D. L.Smith. Cover crops and nutrient retention for subsequent sweet corn production. Agron J., v. 91, 1999, pp. 934-939.
Madakadze, I.C., Stewart, KA, Madakadze, RM, Peterson, PB, Coulman,BE and Smith,DL. Field evaluation of the chlorophyll meter to predict yield and nitrogen concentrations of switchgrass. J. Plant Ntr., v. 22, 1999, pp.1001-1010.
Madakadze, IC, Stewart, KA, Peterson, PB, Coulman, BC and Smith, DL. Cutting frequency and nitrogen fertilization effects on yield and nitrogen concentration of switchgrass in a short season area. Crop Science, v. 39, 1999, pp. 552-557.