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Fighting the Urge to Eat Bar Soap

14 Apr 2023

There’s something very pleasant about perusing the artisanal soap selection at a home goods store or farmer’s market. With additives like honey and oatmeal, they appeal to the palate as well as to...

Goat milk in my soap? Yes, that's soap, not soup.

30 Nov 2022

I have never spent twenty bucks on a bar of soap before. But I just purchased “Dr. Squatch Deep Sea Goat’s Milk” soap. Not because I think there is anything special about it, but because I enjoy...

The World’s First Commercially Available Laundry Powder

28 Jul 2022

It was a scientific breakthrough. Persil, introduced by the German company Henkel in 1907 was the world’s first laundry powder. The name derives from perborate and silicate, two key components in...

Washing your hair? In Vancouver soap will work, but in Montreal it has to be shampoo.

2 Jul 2021

Did you know that in Vancouver you can wash your hair with soap but in Montreal you need shampoo? Why? Because Vancouver water is soft and Montreal water is hard. That makes a big difference when...

No, Bleach Isn't for Gargling or Washing Fruit

17 Jun 2020

This article was first published in The Montreal Gazette.

Is Kosher soap unsafe because it contains lye?

23 Aug 2019

Shira Cohen is studying Nutrition at the School of Dietetics and Human Nutrition at McGill University, specializing in Global Nutrition. 

Why does an orange taste so horrible after brushing my teeth?

6 Jun 2019

If you have ever taken a good look at the back of a tube of toothpaste during those long two minutes of recommended brushing time, you may have noticed sodium laureth sulfate (SLES) and sodium...


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