A certain amount of the muddy colour can be attributed to the different colours of food we eat. Like mixing all the paint colours together, the result is a dull brown. But, much bigger factors for...
Imagine you have been walking the aisles of your favourite bookstore for an hour, letting your gaze gaily hop from one spine to the next. You smell the ink and the paper. You hear the dulcet tones...
COVID has not been kind to bats. They have been accused of harbouring the SARS-CoV-2 virus and transferring it to people via an animal vector. But this is not the first time that these flying...
No, the original cause of COVID-19 was not someone eating bats in China. That is a myth. But bats are not off the hook because there is a chance that the SARS CoV-2 virus did originate in bat poop...
If you're anything like me, you can't start your day without a cup of coffee. However, if you're anything like me, about 20 minutes after that first cup has been drained, you can be found sitting...
Astronauts inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, just like you and me. On Earth, where exhaled air warmed by our bodies naturally rises away from us, the possibility of inhaling too much carbon...