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If You’re Getting Old, You Can Blame Klotho

29 Sep 2023

There is no shortage of stories professing the existence of a Fountain of Youth somewhere in the world, always just out of reach. Bathing in its water was claimed to undo the damage of old age....

The Word “Cisgender” Has Scientific Roots

13 Nov 2021

In 2015, the Oxford English Dictionary added the word “cisgender” to its ever-evolving listing. It defines the adjective as “designating a person whose sense of personal identity and gender...

The Seen and Unseen Consequences of Albinism

13 Dec 2019

Today I learned two things. First, that we apparently have an albino squirrel on our campus. Second, that seeing an albino squirrel before a test is good luck....

The Genetic Astrology of Naturopath Ben Lynch

27 Nov 2019

Are you Hufflepuff or Gryffindor? Erudite or Dauntless? Or maybe you know your Myers-Briggs Type to be ESTP? Or how about plain old astrology? Are you a Capricorn?...

Are You There, Race? It’s Me, DNA

9 Aug 2019

What would you say is Liam Neeson’s race?...

ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed

1 Aug 2019

It must have looked like they were testing for telepathy. One self-described healer and their patient, sitting face to face, were each wearing what I would describe as a rugby helmet covered in...

Ambiguous Genetics Invite Woo

18 Jul 2019

If you could know every letter in your DNA, would you be better off?...

They Say It’s Genetic But My Parents Don’t Have It

13 Jun 2019

When we’re told a condition we have is “genetic”, it’s tempting to think it means our parents had it, and their parents before them, all the way up to some mysterious Eve-bites-the-apple event. But...


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