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How Do We Rapidly Test for COVID-19?

12 Mar 2020

There’s a lot of talk about testing for the new coronavirus and how testing kits are in short supply in certain areas. But what few people explain is what is inside this mystery box. How are...

The Costly Reprogramming of the Immune System to Fight off Cancer

18 Oct 2019

Alternative medicine, with its universal boogeymen and safe panaceas, gives us a simplistic (and wrong) view of the world. Medicine, on the other hand, often demands that we make tough choices....

The Man Who Photocopied DNA and Also Saw a Talking Fluorescent Raccoon

15 Aug 2019

It may be surprising to learn that the credited inventor of the most important workhorse in molecular biology—the polymerase chain reaction or PCR—once claimed he had seen a talking fluorescent...

Are You There, Race? It’s Me, DNA

9 Aug 2019

What would you say is Liam Neeson’s race?...

ThetaHealing®: The Money You’ll Spend Never Existed

1 Aug 2019

It must have looked like they were testing for telepathy. One self-described healer and their patient, sitting face to face, were each wearing what I would describe as a rugby helmet covered in...

Ambiguous Genetics Invite Woo

18 Jul 2019

If you could know every letter in your DNA, would you be better off?...


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