Want to be kept up to date of new graduate student conference opportunities? Sign up for our e-mail list: we will e-mail you when we update this page.
Do you know about or are you organizing an upcoming graduate student conference? We'd love to share it! Please mcgillsociologicalreview [at] gmail.com (Send us) the Call for Papers text in the body of the email (rather than as an attachment) making sure you include all of the following information:
- Title, Location, Date / Titre, Lieu, Date
- Theme and Discipline / Thème et Discipline
- Hosting Association / Association Organisateur
- Submission Deadline / Date Limite de Soumission
- URL link to the Call for Papers / Lien URL à l'Appel à Communications
- Contact E-mail / Courriel des Organisateurs
- Accepted Languages / Langues Acceptées
Upcoming Graduate Student Conferences:
The calls for papers are organized by language (Bilingual/Bilingue, English, Français). Conference information is left up past the application deadline, until the conference date.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: McGill East Asian Studies Graduate Symposium 2014
EXPANDING (EAST) ASIA: Movement, Territory, Exclusion
April 25-26, 2014, McGill University
Submission Deadline: March 3, 2014
Appel à contributions en anglais et en français.
APPEL à COMMUNICATIONS: 5e Conférence étudiante sur l’Amérique latine et les Caraïbes (CÉALC)
18-19 Avril 2014, Université du Québec en Outaouais (UQO), Gatineau, Canada
Date Limite de Soumission: 14 février, 2014
Submissions in French, English and Spanish are strongly encouraged
- The Department of French at New York University is pleased to invite papers that explore spatial, temporal, and aesthetic relationality in French studies for their annual graduate student conference, to be held April 12th, 2014. Abstracts of 250 words, name, affiliation, and email address should be centerperiphery2014 [at] gmail.com (emailed) by February 10th, 2014. Papers with methodologies from literary criticism, philosophy, history, anthropology, and sociology are welcomed. For more information seethe full Call for Papers. Communications en français ou en anglais sont encouragées.
UPCOMING: “DEVELOPING” ANTHROPOLOGIES : An Anthropological Graduate Student Conference
The Social Anthropology Graduates' Association (SAGA) invites fellow graduate students at all levels of study, activists, and applied scholars to participate in an interdisciplinary and interactive forum on March 1, 2014 at York University. This conference seeks to explore what is meant by the term 'developing' by thinking through the ways scholars understand or apply this term in their own work, both theoretically and in practice. Proposals for academic papers, organized panels, MA research workshops and alternative visual media presentations are invited. Submission deadline for abstracts is January 17, 2014. Please email submissions and all other inquiries to annualsagaconference [at] gmail.com (organizers). See the Call for Papers for more information on submission criteria and keynote speakers. Appel à contributions en anglais et en français.
UPCOMING: 3rd Annual Student Conference on Contemporary Religion
Université de Sherbrooke’s Research Chair on Religions in Advanced Modernity invites graduate students and postdoctoral researchers whose research examines issues related to religion to submit presentation proposals for their 3rd annual graduate student conference that will take place April 24th & 25th 2014. Submit proposals by Stephane.Burgi [at] USherbrooke.ca (email) by January 20th, 2014. The conference proceedings will be published in a peer-reviewed journal in fall 2014/winter 2015. Find more on submission process in the Call for Papers. Propositions de communication peuvent être soumises en français ou en anglais.
Education Graduate Students’ Society (EGSS) invites proposals that explore the complexities in the relationship between research and practice in education for their 13th Annual Conference, to take place March 21-22, 2014, at McGill University. Proposals for papers, posters, workshops, and other formats from students, researchers, and practitioners across Canada and internationally are welcome. Experiences from a diverse range of contexts including academic, classroom-based, social, political, and cultural community settings are encouraged. EGSS will give awards for the best MA and PhD proposals as well as a travel award. Please submit your proposal byegssconference2014 [at] gmail.com ( e-mail) attachment by January 31, 2014 and see the Call for Papers for more information on submission guidlines and keynote speakers. Propositions et communications peuvent être en français ou en anglais.
UPCOMING: DANS MA PEAU/IN MY SKIN - Les Politiques de la Chair/The Politics of Flesh
- Les théoristes critiques et le monde académique se tournent de plus en plus vers les études de la corporéalité et de l’incorporation afin de remettre en question la primauté et le privilège accordés au visuel dans la littérature canonique et l’analyse textuelle. C’est dans cet esprit que nous vous invitons à réfléchir au riche domaine théorique des politiques et des savoirs de la chair. Des présentations orales, des affiches et des projets de performance ou créatifs seront considérés. Veuillez soumettre un résumé de 300 mots (accompagné d’une brève note biographique ou un CV) ainsi que le titre de votre présentation au plus tard le 8 février 2014 à wsgsa.aedef [at] gmail.com (l’Association d’étudiant(e)s diplomés en études des femmes de l’Université d’Ottawa) (AÉDÉF). La conférence est commanditée par la Chair Conjointe en Études des femmes, le Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies (Carleton University), et l’Institut d’études des femmes (Université d’Ottawa) et aura lieu le 5-6 AVRIL 2014 à Université d’Ottawa. English and French submissions will be accepted.
UPCOMING: STRANGE WORLDS WE LIVE IN - Challenges and Opportunities in Global Affairs.
The Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS; University of Ottawa) and the Centre for International Peace and Security Studies (CIPSS; Université de Montreal and McGill University) are pleased to announce the 5th annual Graduate Student Conference, to take place March 14-15, 2014 at the University of Ottawa. This multidisciplinary and bilingual conference invites Masters and doctoral students in a wide range of disciplines to present their research on the challenges and opportunities facing the international community in its pursuit of peace, security, and development. The conference aims to include both theoretical and policy-oriented research. Abstracts should be sent by cepi.cips.conference [at] gmail.com (email) by January 15, 2014 at 5:00pm EST. See full Call for Papers on the CIPS website. Propositions et communications peuvent être en français ou en anglais.
À VENIR: Espaces et enjeux culturels en Louisiane, de sa fondation à aujourd'hui
- Cette journée d’étude vise à présenter une mise au point des avancées historiographiques sur l'histoire culturelle de la Louisiane. L’événement viendra également inaugurer le volet recherche du Centre interordre d’études louisianaises de l’Université de Sherbrooke et du Cégep de Sherbrooke. Les chercheurs et étudiants aux cycles supérieurs de toutes disciplines sont invités à soumettre leur proposition de communication en lien avec la thématique générale avant le 20 décembre 2013. L'événement aura lieu le 12 mars 2014, Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez trouver l’appel à contributions ici. Call for papers in French and English.
À VENIR: Premier colloque étudiant de l’équipe SVR
- L’équipe de recherche Sexualités et Genres : Vulnérabilité, Résilience (SVR), est heureuse de vous annoncer la tenue du premier colloque étudiant qui aura lieu le 28 mars 2014, à l’UQAM. L’appel à communications s’adresse aux étudiant(e)s de tous niveaux universitaires confondus, sans égard à leur discipline, désirant venir partager un projet qui touche à la diversité des orientations sexuelles, des expressions de genre ou aux possibles intersections de ces enjeux avec d’autres problématiques. Vous pouvez choisir de venir présenter oralement (15-20 minutes) ou par le biais d’une affiche (poster). Un résumé de votre projet (200 à 300 mots, maximum) doit être envoyée par svretudiant2014 [at] gmail.com (courriel) avant le 12 Janvier, 2014. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter l’appel complet. Oral presentations in English will be accepted, but at least the abstract & visual supports need to be in French.
UPCOMING: IN/TANGIBILITY- The Mystical, The Material and the Messy In-Between
- Submissions are welcomed for the 20th Annual Graduate Interdisciplinary Conference to be held March 6th, 2014, hosted by the graduate students of the Department of Religion at Concordia University. Proposals are to be submitted no later than December 16th, 2013. Papers from graduate students from all areas of the humanities, social sciences and fine arts are invited. For more information about conference theme, special interest sections, and submission process see their website. Communications en français ou en anglais sont encouragées.
UPCOMING: Transgression and Subversive Performativity
- This graduate conference organized by the French Department of the Graduate Center, CUNY, will take place April 11, 2014 in New York. The aim of this conference is to explore the notion of transgression, its becoming, its limits, and its possible future within the field of queer and feminist studies as a possible source of agency. Submit abstracts by January 15, 2014. More information in the detailed Call for Papers. Les propositions et les rédactions peuvent être en français ou en anglais.
UPCOMING: SINGULIER PLURIEL - Collectivity, Community, Engagement
- Concordia University's Art History Graduate Student Association is currently seeking original academic papers to be included in this year's interdisciplinary graduate conference on March 7 and 8, 2014 at Concordia University. The theme reflects an interest in and questioning of how artists, institutions, and publications negotiate individuality in relation to notions of collectivity, community, and engagement. Examinations of historical material and contemporary theoretical concerns will be equally considered, as well as specific case studies, comprehensive analyses of broader paradigms and the use of transdisciplinary methodologies. Abstracts are due Sunday, November 30, 2013. For more information on themes and submission process, see the Call for Papers. Appel à contributions en anglais et en français.
UPCOMING: 2nd Annual Students for Critical Animal Studies
- The Students for Critical Animal Studies organization is glad to announce that its second annual conference will take place on March 28-30th 2014 at McGill University. This conference aims to spread awareness and prompt dialogue among students, educators, activists, and community members about the oppression of non-human animals. Proposals for presentations from a wide variety of academic and non-academic fields are due November 15th, 2013. More information here. Appel à contributions en anglais et en français.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 16th Annual "History Across the Disciplines" Conference
BARRIERS AND BRIDGES: Movement in the Atlantic World
March 21-23, 2014, Dalhousie University
Submission deadline: February 10, 2014
CALL FOR PROPOSALS: Graduate Conference in Cultural, Social and Political Thought
April 26-27th, 2014, University of Victoria (Unceded Lekwungen Territory)
Submission deadline: February 15th 2014
CALL FOR PAPERS: MEDUSA: University of Toronto Anthropology Graduate Students' Union Colloquium
March 19th & March 20th, Department of Anthropology, University of Toronto, St. George campus.
Submission Deadline: February 21, 2014
CALL FOR PAPERS: 6th Annual Workshop on Comparative Historical Approaches to Fiscal Sociology
November 5th-6th 2014, part of the SSHA conference. Toronto, Ontario
Submission Deadline: February 21, 2014
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: ENGAGE 2014: 14th Annual Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference
March 22nd 2014, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Guelph
Submission Deadline: March 7th, 2014
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Impression and Object: A Conference on Critical Theory
March 28, 2014, Department of Comparative Literature, City University of New York (CUNY)
Submission Deadline: February 14, 2014
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: Agency, Structure and Change
March 28, 2014, Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Carleton University
Submission Deadline: February 21, 2014
EXTENDED DEADLINE: JUSTICE, CRIME & DEVIANCE - Regional Graduate Research and Networking Conference
- Wilfrid Laurier University cordially invites proposals for paper presentations, focused roundtables, poster presentations and video presentations for the second annual Justice, Crime, and Deviance: Regional Graduate Research and Networking Conference. Hosted by the Criminology department, this will take place at Wilfrid Laurier University’s Brantford campus on April 26th 2014. Proposals are due by February 7th, 2014. For more information please email gsc2013 [at] mylaurier.ca (here).
CALL FOR PAPERS: Canadian Population Society's Graduate Research Development Conference
- The Canadian Population Society (CPS) and the Population Change and Lifecourse Strategic Knowledge Cluster (PCLC) is pleased to announce the 2014 CPS Graduate Research Development Conference. The conference will be held at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Brock University at the May 24- 30th, 2014. This conference provides graduate students with the unique opportunity to showcase and develop their research related to lifecourse and population change in an accessible workshop format. Two research “trainers” will provide individualized feedback on presentation-style and substantive issues in the student’s research. A travel subsidy of up to $800 is available to conference participants. Submit an abstract or completed paper via shallma [at] uwo.ca (email) by March 1st, 2014. Full papers will be required by May 1st. For more details see Call for Papers.
- McGill University’s Institute of Islamic Studies Student Council (MIISSC) invites abstracts for scholarly papers to be presented at its Fourth Annual Graduate Symposium to be held on the 2nd and 3rd of May, 2014. The aim of this year’s symposium is to consider manifestations of change, both ideological and material, in the study of historical and contemporary Islam. Please submit a formal abstract (250-300 words) and CV no later than February 17th, 2014 by miisscsymposium [at] gmail.com (email). For more information about conference theme, roundtable, and submission requirements, miisscsymposium [at] gmail.com (email organizers).
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 2014 Junior Theorists Symposium (JTS)
- All ABD graduate students, postdocs, and assistant professors who received their PhDs from 2010 onwards are invited to submit extended abstracts for the 8th Junior Theorists Symposium, to be held in Berkeley, CA on August 15th, 2014, the day before the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association (ASA). Please submit a three-page précis (800-1000 words) to the juniortheorists [at] gmail.com (organizers) by February 15, 2014. This one-day conference features the work of up-and-coming theorists, sponsored in part by the Theory Section of the ASA. Papers of all topics are invited. For submission guidelines and information about discussants see the Call for Papers.
UPCOMING: WHO IS YOUR SOURCE? Historians as Receivers of Knowledge/ The Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium
- This March 6-8th, 2014 the graduate students of Carleton University's Department of History invite you to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the annual Underhill Graduate Student Colloquium. This year the colloquium aims to explore the dialog between scholars and the people who are represented in historical documents, the creators of primary sources, and the keepers of orally-transmitted knowledge. Proposals of 300 words and a brief biographical statement should be sent to underhill [at] carleton.ca (organizers) by January 17th, 2014. For information on keynote and luncheon addresses and workshop, see the Call for Papers.
- The graduate students of McGill University’s Department of Art History and Communication Studies invite paper proposals addressing a broad range of academic disciplines and historical periods inquiring into the concept of innovation. Submissions due by ahcsconference [at] gmail.com (email) on January 24th, conference on April 18 2014 at McGill University. See full Call for Papers for more info on topics, keynote speakers, and submission guidelines
UPCOMING: THE CRYPT(IC) – ICLS Annual Graduate Student Conference
- Institute for Comparative Literature and Society invites papers that explore obscurity, estrangement, concealment, and displacement across the humanities and the social sciences for its Annual Graduate Student Conference to be held on March 29th, 2014, at Columbia University. Please send an abstract of no more than 300 words by iclsgradconf [at] gmail.com (email) by January 15, 2014. For more information on possible topics, keynote speaker and the ICLS, see the confernence website.
UPCOMING: CULTURAL PRODUCTION & REPRODUCTION - 16th Annual Chicago Ethnography Conference
- This annual graduate student conference is hosted on a rotating basis by one of several Chicago-area Sociology departments, this year by Northwestern University on March 15th, 2014. Graduate students in all academic disciplines are invited to present their original ethnographic research. While preference will be given to those who have conducted substantial fieldwork, interviewing methods are acceptable. Papers in all substantive areas are welcome. Abstracts no more than 250 words should be submitted online by January 15th 2014. For more information on submission, theme, plenary speakers, schedule, location and past conferences, see their website.
UPCOMING: MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE- Stony Brook Graduate Ethnography Conference
- The Sociology graduate students at the State University of New York at Stony Brook are pleased to announce the 10th annual Ethnography conference. With this year’s theme, “Making the Invisible Visible”, this conference aims to explore under-researched and under-theorized populations. The conference will take place Friday 18th April, 2014. Please send the title, abstract, and at least 3 key words of your paper via sbethnographyconference [at] gmail.com (email) by January 15, 2014. Papers presented at this conference will receive expedited review for potential publication in Journal of Ethnographic & Qualitative Research (JEQR). See the Call for Papers.
- Graduate Program in Social & Political Thought of York University invites submissions for its annual conference on this year’s theme: Decolonizing Anti-Racism. Submissions from all fields that relate to Indigenous studies, social and political theory, critical race theory, anti-racism theory, settler-colonialism, postcolonial theory, art and literature, critical disability studies, gender, feminist and women’s studies, and equity studies are welcomed, as are presentations from community members and activists. The conference will take place April 17th & 18th, 2014, and 250 word abstracts & panel proposals are due January 15th, 2014. Submit abstracts & proposals to strategies2014 [at] gmail.com (conference organizers) and see the full Call for Papers for more information.
UPCOMING: Indigenous Students’ Conference in Indigenous Research
- Graduate students from the Criminology and Indigenous Studies departments and the Aboriginal Students Association of Laurier Brantford will host their first ever conference on Indigenous Research at Wilfrid Laurier’s Brantford Campus on January 31st -February 1st, 2014. This inaugural conference focuses on Indigeneity, Globalization and the Law. The conference stresses the global nature of Indigeneity, and thus, we have encouraged graduate, fourth year undergraduate students, and members of the community to explore Indigenous cultures, not only in Canada and the United States, but in countries around the world. Please send questions tolope9730 [at] mylaurier.ca ( organizers).
UPCOMING: Anthropologies of Unconformity - Erosions, Depositions, and (Trans)formations
- The 6th Annual McGill Anthropology Graduate Student Conference will take place on Friday, March 21, 2014. The keynote speaker for the conference will be Dr. Valerie Olson, Assistant Professor at the University of California Irvine. Papers will explore anthropological topics, concepts and methods through the rich metaphorical terrain of the geological & archaeological concept ‘unconformity.’ For more information, find the Call for Papers here and contact anthrogradmcgill [at] gmail.com (organizers).
UPCOMING: UNDOING HEALTH - States of Body and Mind
- On March 27-29, 2014 join the graduate students of the Indiana University's Department of English for their 12th annual conference at Indiana University, Bloomington. This international and interdisciplinary confernce aims to bring together the resonant fields of illness and disability studies, medical humanities, public health, posthumanisms, and biopolitical theory to further an understanding of what we consider “healthy” and “unhealthy". Proposals for papers and panels are due December 16th, 2013. See the conference website for more information and the Call for Papers.
- The Graduate Visual Culture Association of Queen’s University is pleased to announce that the thirteenth annual Context and Meaning graduate student conference will take place at Queen’s University on Friday, January 31st and Saturday, February 1st, 2014. This year’s theme is “Contact” and we invite graduate students, as well as students who have completed their studies within the last year, to submit proposals for papers by Wednesday, November 13th, 2013. This conference is open to both historical and contemporary topics, and may relate to things considered “fine art” as well as those encountered everyday. Submissions are welcome from graduate students from across Canada and the United States who conduct research in all disciplines that deal with the study of visual and material culture. For more information, see the detailed Call for Papers.
APPEL à COMMUNICATIONS: Le Brésil sous la loupe de jeunes chercheurs!
26 et 27 mars 2014, le Centre d’études et de recherches sur le Brésil (CERB), Université du Québec à Montréal
Date Limite de Soumission: 2 mars, 2014
À VENIR: 9e colloque de l'ACSSUM
- L'Association des cycles supérieurs en sociologie (ACSSUM) tiendra son prochain colloque le 14 mars 2014 à l'Université de Montréal. Le thème de cette année est : Tradition(s) : Au-delà des idées reçues. La référence à la tradition a imprégné un certain nombre de débats politiques récents au Québec, que ce soit à propos des accommodements raisonnables, de la Charte de la laïcité ou du projet de réforme du cours d’histoire du Québec au secondaire. En quoi les sciences sociales peuvent-elles nous orienter dans ces débats? Date limite d’envoi de la proposition par acssum [at] umontreal.ca (courriel) est vendredi 24 janvier 2014. Veuillez consulter l'appel à communications.
- Pour une cinquième année consécutive, la Chaire de recherche en immigration, ethnicité et citoyenneté (CRIEC) et l’Institut d'études internationales de Montréal (IEIM) de l'Université du Québec à Montréal invite les étudiantes et étudiants des cycles supérieurs, ainsi que les chercheuses et chercheurs en début de carrière à participer à un colloque international et interdisciplinaire. Cet colloque aura lieu le 7 février 2014, et la date limite de réception des formulaires est le 3 décembre 2013 avant 17 heures. Pour plus d'informations, veuillez consulter le site Internet de la CRIEC.
- Le Centre d’analyse des politiques publiques (CAPP) de la Faculté des sciences sociales de l’Université Laval tiendra un colloque étudiant les 28 février et 1 mars 2014. Les étudiants intéressés à soumettre leur proposition de communication dans le cadre de cet événement doivent le faire avant le 29 novembre 2013 en complétant le formulaire de soumission sur le site web du CAPP. Vous trouverez l'appel présentant de manière détaillée les objectifs du colloque, comment soumettre, et de plus amples renseignements ici.