
What is a member?

Given the unique structure of the Centre, investigators from all the research community, both local and international, can engage the Centre as users and members:


A User is defined as a Principal investigator who renders platform services on a fee-for-use basis and/or uses Centre protocols or other documentation for funding applications.

A Member is defined as an investigator with a published and/or self-identified interest in microbiome research. It is expected from members that they play an active role within and for the Centre. A Member will have access to a complementary expertise and a facilitated internal collaboration channel in exchange of which, they offer the same for the other members. This cooperative structure will create a hub not only for continuous training, but also foster interdisciplinary innovation.


How to become a member?

To become a Member, investigators are invited to submit their CV and a 500-word statement of intent, describing how they can contribute to the goals of the Centre including, but not limited to, governance, attendance at annual meetings, engagement in community outreach and Centre advancement. To create a strong and diverse network, the Centre will aim for a diversity of discipline research applicants and every member request will be reviewed by the Centre leaders and one external investigator.


To submit a Member application, contact the Centre by using the following email address: microbiome.centre [at]

To learn more about the microbiome research worldwide, click on the following links.

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