Odette Rios Ibacache
Licentiate, Physics (Pontificia U Catolica de Chile '21)
MSc, Medical Radiation Physics (McGill '24)
PhD, Physics (Medical Physics) (McGill, in progress)
Dr. John Kildea, McGill University
Dr. Amal Zouaq, Polytechnique Montreal (co-supervisor)
Currently, health data in the real world are disorganized and scattered which limits the benefits that artificial intelligence can provide to medical physics and radiation oncology. The objective of our research project is to address this lack of organization and standardization by integrating, consolidating, and leveraging radiotherapy medical records using a new oncology data standard called the Minimal Common Oncology Data Elements (mCODE). This approach will facilitate the exchange of health data by constructing an oncology knowledge-based repository that contains comprehensive information. Our project would provide significant value to the oncology community by serving as a reliable source for digital twins development.
AI, Treatment outcomes prediction, Radiotherapy treatment planning. Radiation oncology informatics, Image processing and data science, Software Development, Radiomics
- Rios-Ibacache O., Manalad J., Andrade Hernandez AX., O’Sullivan-Steben K., Poon E., Galarneau L., and Kildea J. (2024). “Development and evaluation of novel parameters for describing anatomical changes and predicting radiotherapy replanning for head and neck cancer patients”. XXth International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation Therapy (ICCR)
- Dominguez J†., Rios-Ibacache O†., Caprile P., Gonzalez J., San Francisco I.F. & Besa C. “MRI-Based Surrogate Imaging Markers of Aggressiveness in Prostate Cancer: Development of a Machine Learning Model Based on Radiomic features”. Diagnostics (2023), 13, 2779. h;ps://doi.org/10.3390/diagnos0cs13172779. († shared first authorship).
- Rios-Ibacache O., Caprile P., Dominguez J. & Besa C. PO-1767 ESTRO (2022). “Development of a MRI radiomic-based ML model to predict the aggressiveness of prostate cancer”. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0167-8140(22)03731-8.
- Third Place in Young Rising Stars Posters Competition at the XXth International Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation therapy (ICCR) (2024)
- AAPM/RSNA Doctoral Fellowship (2024)
- Second Place in Science Slam Competition at 5th DKFZ Summer School in Medical Physics 2023: Data Science and Machine Learning in Radiotherapy (2023)
- McGill - Graduate Excellence Award (2023)
- RI-MUHC Studentship (2023)
- McGill - Graduate Excellence Award (2022)
- Differential Fee Waiver for International Students Award (2022)
- Padre Hurtado Award (2017 - 2021)
- Bicentenario Scholarship (2017 - 2021)
- Presidente de la Republica Scholarship (2017)