Breaking Broken English
Michelle Hartman
A Sky So Close to Us
Translated by Michelle Hartman
The Journey
Translated by Michelle Hartman
Teaching Modern Arabic Literature in Translation
Edited by Michelle Hartman
Before Copernicus: The Cultures and Contexts of Scientific Learning in the Fifteenth Century
F. Jamil Ragep and Rivka Feldhay
The Weight of Paradise
Iman Humaydan; translated by Michelle Hartman
The Commander: Fawzi al-Qawuqji and the Fight for Arab Independence, 1914-1948
Laila Parsons
Medieval Textual Cultures: Agents of Transmission, Translation and Transformation
Robert Wisnovsky & Faith Wallis (eds.)
The Sociology of Islam: Knowledge, Power and Civility
IIS Associate Member Armando Salvatore (Religious Studies)
Persian Authorship and Canonicity in Late Mughal Delhi
Prashant Keshavmurthy