Seddigheh Kardan, Ph.D. (Year 3)
- MA in Muslim Cultures, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilization (ISMC), Aga Khan University, May 2021, London.
- MA in Religions and Mysticism, University of Tehran, September 2020, Tehran.
- BA in Persian Language and Literature, Shahid Beheshti University, April 2013, Tehran.
Areas of interest: Shi'i Studies, Ismaili Studies, Islamic Mysticism and Philosophy, Persian Literature, Quranic Studies
Research Topic: Echoes of al-Shahrastānī in Ismāʿīlī daʿwah: Investigating al-Shahrastānī’s Influence By and On the Missionaries (dāʿīs) and Thoughts of the Fāṭimid and Nizārī Periods.
Professional Qualifications:
_ Diploma “Communications Across Languages, Cultures and Nations – Translation”
The New School for Social Research, New York, USA, 2022.
_ Aḥmad b. Yaʾqūb, Treatise of The Imamate (al-Risālah fī’l-Imāmah), Translated by Gholamreza Mirshahi and Seddigheh Kardan (from Arabic into Persian), Tehran: Paris Publication, 2017.
_ Virani, Shafique N., “Surviving Persecution : Ismailism and Taqiyyah in the Centuries After the Mongol Invasion (Nijāt az taʿqīb wa taʿdhīb: Ismāʿīlīyah wa taqīyyah dar sadah-hāyi pas az ḥamlah-yi mughūl)”, in Faṣlnāmah-i ʿIlmī-yi Pazhūhish-hāyi Tārīkhī (Journal of Historical Research). Translated from English into Persian by Seddigheh Kardan (Winter 1403 SH/ 2025 CE). doi: 10.22108/jhr.2025.141823.2665
_ Virani, Shafique N., “Hierohistory in Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān's Foundation of Islamic Interpretation (Asās al-taʾwīl) and al-Muʾayyad fi’l-Dīn al-Shīrāzī's Basis of Islamic Interpretation (Bunyād-i taʾwīl): The Birth of Jesus (Tārīkh-i qudsī dar Asās al-taʾwīl-i Qāḍī al-Nuʿmān wa Bunyād-i taʾwīl-i Muʾayyad fi’l-Dīn Shīrāzī: vilādat-i ḥaḍrat-i ʿIsā)”, in Du-Faṣlnāmah-i ʿIlmī-yi Taʾammulāt-i Falsafī (The Semiannual Journal of Philosophical Reflections). Translated from English into Persian by Seddigheh Kardan (Summer 1403 SH/ 2024 CE). doi:10.30470/phm.2024.2021379.2497
_ Virani, Shafique N., Fakhkhar Toosi, Javad. “Love and the Brethren of Purity: A Comparative Study of Human Intimacy in Islamic Philosophy (ʿIshq az Nigāh-i Ikhwān al-Ṣafā: Muqāyisi-yi rāy-i Ikhwān al-Ṣafā Pīrāmūn-i ʿIshq-i Insānī bā Ᾱrā-yi Ibn Sīnā, Suhrawardī wa Mulla Ṣadrā)”, in Faṣlnāmah-i ʿIlmī-yi Taʾammulāt-i Akhlāqī (The Journal of Ethical Reflections). Translated from English into Persian by Seddigheh Kardan (Spring 1403 SH/ 2024 CE). doi:10.30470/er.2024.2021999.1301
_ Virani, Shafique N, "The Scent of the Scarlet Pimpernels: Ismaʿili leaders of the 11th/17th Century" (عطر رازیانه های سرخ؛ رهبران گمنام اسماعیلی در قرن یازدهم قمری / هفدهم میلادی), Translated by Seddigheh Kardan, A Quarterly Journal of Historical Studies of Islam, N 55 (2023): 147-192.
_ Khatami, Ahmad; Kardan, Seddigheh, "Investigating the Symbols of Deputies in the Story of Daquqi of Rumi's Mathnavi (Barrasī-yi namādhāye abdāl dar ḥikāyat-i Daqūqī-ye Mathnavī-ye maʽnavī)", Journal of Mystical Studies of University of Kashan, n 26 (2017): 115-142.
Talks, Conferences and Workshops:
_ A Series of Workshops Entitled “Religiosity and the Future World” At the Request of Iranian Ismaili Tariqa and Religious Education Board, Iran, Summer 2024.
_“Dis/Connection Examination: Challenging Ṭūsī's Assertion of Non-Support or Condemnation Towards Any Specific Schools of Thought in The Nasirean Ethics,” Annual Graduate Symposium of the Department of Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations, University of Toronto, March 2024.
_ “Passionate Scribe and Prudent Author: ʿAṭṭār-i Tūnī and His Identity,” Annual Symposium of the Association for Iranian Studies, 2023.
- McGill’s Graduate Mobility Award, Spring 2024.
- McGill’s Graduate Mobility Award, Spring 2023.
Email: seddigheh.kardan [at] (Seddigheh Kardan)
Supervisor: Prashant Keshavmurthy