More people worldwide die of infectious diseases than of any other single cause.
The Division of Infectious Diseases explores and deals with the relationships between microbial pathogens and their human hosts in both practical and theoretical terms.
Our clinical programs encompass all aspects of Infectious Diseases:
- We provide comprehensive care to both inpatients and outpatients.
- We are actively involved in preventing infections in patients and healthcare workers by directing the infection control program.
- We conduct basic and clinical research into microbial pathogens, their transmission, the diseases they cause, as well as into prevention and treatment modalities for infection.
- We provide expertise to remote regions of Quebec and to neighbouring provinces.
- We work closely with the Department of Medical Microbiology, and many of our members are co-appointed to this Department.
- We are leading efforts to assure the appropriate use of antibiotics.
- We participate in public health policy development at the national and provincial level for Infectious Diseases such as Ebola, vaccine-preventable infections, tuberculosis and sexually transmitted diseases
Our specific areas of clinical and research expertise include:
- Infections of the immunocompromised host
- Chronic viral illnesses such as HIV and viral hepatitis (Chronic Viral Illness Service)
- Tropical diseases (Centre for Tropical Diseases)
- Mycobacterial diseases (McGill International TB Centre).