Pre-departure Orientation is mandatory for all students traveling outside Canada for university sanctioned global learning opportunities including exchanges, internships, independent study-away,...
Discover McGill Orientation for new undergraduate and graduate January admit students is a chance to learn about McGill's student services, supports and resources, as well as ways to get involved...
McGill Placement Examination period for newly-admitted students in basic science courses in biology, chemistry, physics and math, including MATH 122 and MATH 123 for newly-admitted Management...
Senate Steering Meeting to approve degrees granted at the end of Fall 2024 term (Spring 2025 Convocation).
/importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
Verification period via Minerva for all students in all faculties. Verify your entire record on Minerva (address, personal data, courses, programs, etc.) and consult your faculty with any problems....
(Tentative Date) Late registration period for new students with $125 late registration fee for all faculties; $62.50 for Special Students and Graduate part-time students. ($25 late registration fee...
Deadline to request deferral of Fall term admission to McGill for all undergraduate faculties (excluding Dentistry, Law and Medicine)./importantdatesCategory: Important dates for students
(Tentative Date) Last day of lectures in courses in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Arts (including Religious Studies), Continuing Studies, Education (except for 1st year students in Kind....
Final exams for July section Summer courses will be held on August 10. For more information, please visit the examinations website (