International Consortium for Cultural Consultation
The ICCC is a network of centres engaged in research on cultural consultation and the cultural formulation in psychiatry and mental health care. The network is organized through the Cultural Consultation Service of the McGill Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry.
Cultural Consultation is a form of psychiatric consultation that takes into account social and cultural context to provide culturally informed assessment and treatment planning. Information collected through clinical interviews with patients, their families and members of their social network and community is integrated in a cultural formulation that refine the diagnosis, identifies clinical issues and resources and provides a culturally appropriate treatment plan. Cultural consultation makes use of interpreters, culture-brokers and bilingual/bicultural clinicians, anthropologists and other consultants with relevant cultural knowledge.
The aims of the ICCC are to:
- develop an international network of colleagues with expertise in cultural consultation for diverse ethnocultural groups
- share resources for service development, clinical training in cultural consultation
- conduct comparative research on the process and effectiveness of cultural consultation and the cultural formulation