Ecological Engineering Research Group

Ecological engineering is the creation of a community of plants, animals, microbes, and technological components, so that they provide some service. Our research group uses physical experiments and computer models to study ecosystems so that we can engineer better systems

Meet the people!

Ecological Engineering lab members smiling

Get to know the passionate researchers, dedicated students, and expert faculty members who make up the Ecological Engineering lab group. 

Research projects

Research equipment

Curious about what we’re working on? Our lab is tackling real-world environmental challenges with hands-on research. From sustainable solutions to groundbreaking innovations, see what our team is up to and how we’re making a difference. 


Two women sitting in fron of a book reading together

We’ve been busy exploring and sharing new ideas over the years. Browse through our past publications to see the research that’s been driving our work and learn more about what we’ve discovered along the way. 

Interested in joining the EcoEng group?

5 people in full body research outfits on farm site

Are you interested in joining the Ecological Engineering Research Group? For information about graduate and post-graduate studies, deadlines, funding opportunities and more, visit the Macdonald Campus Office for Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website and the Faculty's Applying for Graduate Studies website. To submit an inquiry to join the EcoEng Research Group, send an email to grant.clark [at] (subject: Inquiry%20about%20joining%20EcoEng%20Research%20Group) (Dr. Grant Clark).

EDI Statement

Group of People Raising Hands in a Painting Diverse hands raised highThe Ecological Engineering Research Group is a safe space for everyone. We aspire to be an equitable, diverse, and inclusive community of learners and researchers. In our collective quest we continually reexamine our goals, celebrate our successes, and acknowledge and address our shortcomings. We embrace the reciprocal duty of care and respect that we share with our human and more-than-human family.

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