These resources may be helpful if you are new to a research-teaching position:
Published Resources: useful papers with brief abstracts, some from our own research
Online Resources: strategies and tools with brief descriptions
Published Resources
Bentley, P.J. & Kyvik, S. (2012). Academic work from a comparative perspective: a survey of faculty working time across 13 countries. Higher Education 63 (4), 529-547.
This study is based on data about the allocation of working time between academic tasks at research universities in thirteen countries. It showed working time patterns differed significantly across countries. This suggests that conditions of academic work remain heavily dependent on national higher education traditions. Faculty members holding the highest professorial rank share more in common, with generally stronger interests in research and a greater time dedication to research over teaching. However, in countries with comparably steep academic hierarchies, professor positions typically entail significantly fewer teaching hours and more administration. (See also Jones et al, 2012 below[LMD1] .)
Gerdes, E. P. (2003). Do it your way: Advice from senior academic women. Innovative Higher Education, 27(4), 253-275.
Senior women faculty and administrators gave advice for women students and women beginning careers in higher education. The advice was categorized as background information, cautions, facts of life, life choices coping with gender discrimination, good news, and personal wisdom.
Henderon, S. G. (2008). Staying sane on the tenure track. Proceedings from Winter Simulation Conference.Piscataway, NJ: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. [download]
This short article outlines a tenured faculty member’s advice on getting tenure. The author provides thoughts and reflections on research, teaching, services, how to get tenure, and how to survive after getting it (time management and balancing work and personal life). Of the many insights is a suggestion that a postdoctoral position should be taken as a starting point for getting tenure.
Jones, G., Weinrid, J., Metcalfe, A. S., Fisher, D., Rubenson, K. & Snee, I. (2012). Academic work in Canada: the perceptions of early-career academics. Higher Education Quarterly, 66(2), 189-206.
This paper examines work patterns (ie time spent on various activities) and satisfaction of tenured, and tenure track faculty in Canada through a national survey. Contrary to the initial expectations of the authors, little difference was found between the groups. This paper also provides a good overall description of the Canadian higher education structure and labour situation.
McAlpine, L., & Amundsen, C. (2016). The challenges of entering ‘mid-career’: Charting a balanced future. Higher Education Review. 48 (2), 5-30.
Online Resources European University Institute – international description of jobs and funding resources Social media guide for researchers Women in higher education Networking site which facilitates networking and communication with other researchers Guardian’s Higher Education pages for early career researchers to ‘share ideas, inspiration and practical advice’. Jobs in academic community and career advice.