- Our common communicaton method - Twitter
- A good application for making group appointments - Doodle
- References in APA 6th edition writing style
- APA ethical code. The code used in our research and clinical work.
- NASP guide for the training and practice of school psychology
- Writing a review article for Psychological Bulletin
- Research support website - Mendeley
- Strunk and White's classic book Elements of Style—the go-to book for all writing issues
- Although we can use SPSS and SAS, this page is a compilation of very basic online statistics - Statpages
- Endlessly helpful NASP website. Worth joining NASP just for the website -NASP Online
- Internship website—know it before you apply - APPIC
- Canadian Psychological Association - CPA
- The SSHRC homepage - SSHRC
- McGill GPS research progress tracking
- GPS research and ethics process
- McGill academic integrity resource