Research published in the journal Science has shown that lockdown measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 led to a 50% reduction in seismic noise observed around the world in early to mid 2020.

Classified as: seismic noise, covid-19, anthropause, earthquakes, volcanoes, William Minarik, urban mobility
Published on: 23 Jul 2020

A new study led by McGill University has found that tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface can show varying degrees of roughness and could help explain why certain earthquakes are stronger than others.

Earthquakes happen when the rocks beneath the Earth’s surface break along geological fault lines and slide past each other. The properties of these faults - such as the roughness of their surface - can have an influence on the size of seismic events, however their study has been challenging because they are buried deep beneath the Earth’s surface.

Classified as: James Kirkpatrick, earthquakes, tectonic faults
Published on: 24 Apr 2020

In the aftermath of the devastating Tohoku-Oki earthquake that struck off the coast of Japan in March 2011, scientists were stunned by the unprecedented 50 meters of displacement along the fault, which ruptured all the way to the surface of the seafloor. This extreme slip at shallow depths exacerbated the massive tsunami that, together with the magnitude 9.1 earthquake, caused extensive damage and loss of life in Japan.

Classified as: earthquakes, Japan
Published on: 6 Mar 2020

Early this morning, an earthquake of 4.0 magnitude, was felt in areas from Rigaud to Montreal to Saint-Bruno, and in parts of eastern Ontario, New York state and Vermont as well. (CBC)

Christie Rowe, from the Faculty of Earth and Planetary Science is available to provide background and comment on the earthquake.

Classified as: science, earthquakes
Published on: 13 Jan 2020

Earthquakes struck Japan and Ecuador just hours apart on Saturday April 16, 2016. Were the two earthquakes related?

Classified as: McGill University, Japan, earthquake, Christie Rowe, ecuador, earthquakes
Published on: 18 Apr 2016
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