Awarded winners in external tri-council and FRQ competitions for Fall 2023
- Vanja Davidovic
- Alexandra Marie Dimmer
- Joseph AnthonyPetruccelli
- Jeffrey Alexandre Sioufi
- VictorTran
- Kyle Henry White
- Jonathan Hubermann
Dear Colleagues,
It is with profound sadness that we share the news of the passing of Dr. Harvey Sigman. Dr. Sigman was not only an esteemed member of our Division of General Surgery at McGill but also a dedicated, kind, and humble individual. His enduring legacy in surgical education has profoundly impacted our community, influencing countless residents and faculty with his wisdom and guidance.
The inaugural Fiera Capital Awards recipients are:
Sayed Azher, a PhD student in experimental surgery who is finding ways to integrate technologies like artificial intelligence and virtual reality simulations into medical education.
Misghana Kassa, a MSc student in experimental surgery who is testing the efficacy of antimicrobial coatings that could safeguard replacement joints (i.e., hips, knees) against infection.
Congratulations to all the winners this year!
Spacagna |
Gabriella |
Experimental Surgery |
Maallah |
Mohamed Taoubane |
Experimental Surgery |
Gresham |
Louise |
Experimental Surgery |
The department would like to extend our congratulations to Haitham Shoman for being awarded the CIHR - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement to travel to Harvard University in Boston as part of his research.
Congratulations Haitham and best wishes for continued success in your PhD program.
Please join us in extending a warm congratulations to
for their recent FRQS awards.
A kind reminder of the registration for the 2022 Early Career Investigator Workshop Series.
Please make any potential FRQS applicants aware that the registration for the 2022 Early Career Investigator Workshop Series delivered by the Department of Surgery is now open.
Dr. Mwale and I are again delivering the Early Career Investigator Workshop Series to help you prepare for this summer’s FRQS application.
This message is sent on behalf of Dr Liane S Feldman, Chair Department of Surgery
Dear Faculty Members,
I am delighted to announce the appointment of two new Associate Chairs in the McGill Department of Surgery along with changes to the composition of the Executive Committee, effective January 2022.
To all Members of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
As you are no doubt aware, the number of COVID-19 cases has been rising over the past week, and the Omicron variant is dramatically replicating. Given these developments, together with our social responsibility as a Faculty community to help protect the McGill health care network and the Faculty’s concern for your own health and safety, please heed the following:
Dear Members of the Faculty,
With the announcement by the Government of Quebec of new measures to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the University has updated its policies. You can find a copy of the new policy here.
FMED 504 - Family Medicine Research Seminars <-- *NEW*
FMED 509 - Epidemiology and Data Analysis in Primary Care 2
FMED 525 - Foundations of Translational Science
FMED 527 - Inuit Health in Canadian Context <-- *NEW*
FMED 530 - Communicating Qualitative Health Research <-- *NEW*
FMED 601 - Advanced Topics in Family Medicine
FMED 605 - AI and Analytical Decision-Making in Healthcare
FMED 614 - Foundations of Mixed Methods Research
FMED 619 - Program Management in Global Health and Primary Health Care
L’Unité de soutien au système de santé apprenant (SSA) Québec tiendra le symposium virtuel « Bâtir ensemble le système de santé apprenant du Québec », le 24 mars 2022. Cet événement unique ralliera le ministère de la Santé et des Services Sociaux (MSSS), les Réseaux universitaires intégrés en santé et services sociaux (RUISSS), les universités, les établissements et la population.
Congratulations to MedStar Awardees 2021:
We are very pleased to announce the 2021 MedStar Awardees in recognition of their excellent research.
Ida Derish “Differential role of planar cell polarity gene Vangl2 in embryonic and adult mammalian kidneys “
Dominique Geoffrion “Glaucoma Risk Factors and Outcomes Following Boston Keratoprosthesis Type 1 Surgery “
Attention: GPCs & GPDs
ES – Enrolment Services
Student Records & Registration
December 2021 Final Examination Invigilation Positions