
McGill MBA grad Massimo Fiore receives top award from the Association des MBA du Québec

Published: 30 May 2003

The Faculty of Management at McGill University is proud to announce that Massimo Fiore, an MBA who is graduating this month, has been awarded a $10,000 award by the Association des MBA du Québec, in collaboration with the Fédération des Caisses populaires Desjardins.

Massimo distinguished himself from six recipients of a $1,000 award, representing the six Quebec universities offering an MBA program. A seven-member jury evaluated the finalists' experience, taking into consideration the academic performance, leadership skills, well-roundedness, extracurricular activities and personality of each candidate.

An aerospace engineer who has taken protection of the environment to heart, Massimo went on to take his MBA at McGill in order to enhance his career.

Above (left to right): Bertrand Laferrière, President and Chief Operating Officer of Fédération Desjardins, award winner Massimo Fiore and Jean Luc Geha, President of the Association des MBA du Québec and General Manager — Strategy of Bell Canada.

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