Jewish and democratic values: Reaching a synthesis
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Dégustation de vin
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Essential matrix determinants of vascular wall development
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B-Tubulin (isotype 1) and its possible role as a diagnostic marker for ivermectin resistance in Onchocerca volvulus
/channels |
From Birmingham to Ouagadougou and Quito: Studying genetic heterogeneity in Onchocerca and applying the results to help control river blindness
/channels |
How to become an endangered species in Canada
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Réunion (Comité du Sénat sur les bibliothèques)
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Secessionism in multicultural states: Does sharing power prevent or encourage it?
/channels |
Correction des styles de nage
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Classique de rugby McGill-Harvard
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Qui a dit que rien n'est gratuit?
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Cours de golf: voyons cet élan
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Match Renegade-Eskimos
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Le bestiaire, le lapidaire, la flore
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7 oct 2002 00:00 à 9 oct 2002 00:00 |
Réunion (Groupe de planification universitaire)
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Réunion (Conseil des gouverneurs - Comité de direction)
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How does the embryo respond to genotoxic stress?
/channels |
The physiological functions of PTP1B in obesity and cancer
/channels |
New vistas on matrilineal kinship in Kerala from Malayalam contemporary fiction
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des arts)
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Réunion (Comité des programmes d'études - Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'environnement)
/channels |
Estimating the uncertainty of future surface temperature and ocean circulation changes using climate model ensembles
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Mechanisms controlling the subcellular localization of PBC homeodomain proteins in mice and flies
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Biochemistry at McGill: Endocrinology to molecular biology
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Soul of caring: An interactive exploration
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Leonardo and the waters
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8 oct 2002 00:00 à 7 nov 2002 00:00 |
Réunion (Comité sénatorial des candidatures)
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Réunion (Comité des admissions)
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Scandinavia in the European Union
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Ad-hoc coalitions and the NATO Alliance
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Réunion (Directeurs - Faculté des arts) (diplôme)
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Réunion de faculté - Faculté des Sciences (diplôme)
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Modeling rapid action drugs with spatial pharmacokinetics
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Our new metropolis
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Colloque Pluralisme, religion et politique de l'État
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9 oct 2002 00:00 à 11 oct 2002 00:00 |
'Nouvelle cuisine' served to preterm infants
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Réunion (Comité directeur du Sénat)
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Réunion (Comité des affaires étudiantes)
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Réunion (Directeurs - Faculté des sciences)
/channels |
Agrin beyond the neuromuscular junction
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