A targeted phishing email is currently circulating, asking you to open an attachment that contains a fraudulent link to shared documents. See an example of the message on the top of this page....
A phishing email is targeting the McGill community with the subject "RE: Final Reminder: Complete: [name] DocsOnline Docs Via E-Sign #63 - Mcgill Project-08(REVISED)." See an example of the...
The way we currently access McGill’s VPN (via Cisco AnyConnect) has been replaced by Cisco Secure Client. Cisco Secure Client is an upgraded version of Cisco AnyConnect and offers enhanced features...
In an effort to limit the impacts of unsolicited and fraudulent emails being sent in large numbers to the McGill community, McGill’s IT Infrastructure & Information Security has decided to...
A phishing email is targeting the McGill community with the subject "(Attention chair.psychiatry) | Re-authenticate 2 Factor Authentication (2Fa) | September 2023". See an example of the message...