Proposed Papers for the JCE Special Issue - Canada PRO Initiative

Draft Title Objective Team Leads/
Contact Person

#1 - Development and Sustainability of a National PRO Initiative

To present the objectives and priorities identified during the November 2013 meeting, and the governance and structure of the initiative, and partnerships with national and international organizations.

Sara Ahmed
Susan Bartlett

#2 - Lessons Learned from Measuring What Matters

The evolution of PROs in relation to other measurements, and from the perspective of rehabilitation research and clinical care

Nancy Mayo

#3 - The Patient Voice: How can PROs Support Patient Decision Making and Self-Management

To evaluate what the needs of patients are, and what the incentives are for patients to respond to PROs given their role in decision-making and self-management, and how the creation of a initiative may expedite the use of PROs in clinical care. Use case(s) should be included.

Vanessa Noonan, Anne Lydiatt 
(Sara Ahmed)

#4 - From Research to the Clinic: Clinical Applications of Patient Reported Outcomes

To evaluate what the needs of clinicians are, and what the incentives are for clinicians to incorporate PROs into clinical practice, and how the creation of an initiative may expedite the use of PROs in clinical care. Use case(s) should be included.

Clifton Bingham  
(Susan Bartlett)

#5 - PRO in Healthcare Policy Planning: What do Decision Makers Need?

To conduct an environmental scan of current use of PROs in quality improvement and healthcare policy planning nationally and internationally and conduct an analysis of what Canadian healthcare policy makers need, and incentive for decision-makers to support the use of PROs. Use case(s) should be included.

Stirling Bryan
(Rick Sawatzsky)

#6 - The Role of Industry in the Development and Testing of PROs

To evaluate what the needs of Industry are, and what the incentives are for Industry to support PRO science, and how the creation of an initiative may expedite the use of PROs in Industry.

John Woolcott
(Susan Bartlett)

#7 - PROMIS in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities

To evaluate how the initiative can benefit from the extensive work completed by the NIH PROMIS group and evaluate what additional work is needed to render PROMIS beneficial for use in Canada (translation, norms, etc.)

Jim Witter
(Susan Bartlett)

#8 - Building a PRO Infrastructure: Data Sharing, Ethical and Security Issues

To evaluate ethical and security issues related to the collection of PRO data at the point of care or in the population, and the aggregation and integration of PRO data with administrative databases to facilitate decision making and comparative effectiveness research.

Khaled El Emam
(Sara Ahmed)

#9 - Integrating PROs in New Tools for Monitoring Population Health

Present the opportunities and challenges of collecting population level PRO data and integrating it with other big data to monitor the emergence of epidemics and the distribution of chronic disease.

David Buckeridge
(Sara Ahmed) 

#10 - Including health behavior PROs in EHR and PHR: What is the minimal PRO data set?

To determine the minimum PROs that should be included in routine data collection within the EHR and PHR to evaluate risk and monitor health between clinical visits.

Jim Witter
(Sara Ahmed) 

#11 - Methodological challenges of developing and implementing PROs

Content validity issues, individual adaptation to changes over time (response shift), using a common development strategy and metrics.

Rick Sawatzsky
(Susan Bartlett) 

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