Frequently Asked Questions

Enrolment process

What is the selection process for the FYPP?

Students who have received an offer from the Faculty of Arts can register their interest in the FYPP here. There are limited places available: participants will be selected by random ballot. If new places become available, they will be filled by a second random ballot.

Program comparison

Is the Pilot more difficult or complex than the General Option?

No! The Pilot has a different structure to the General Option, but the content is of equal weight, challenge, and complexity.

Will I be at an advantage or a disadvantage if I take the FYPP as opposed to the General Option?

No. Students enroled in the FYPP will earn the same number of credits as those pursuing the General Option.

Will enroling in the FYPP affect my timeline to graduation?

No. The FYPP offers an alternative path to completing the Foundation Year Program, but has the same requirements and credit load as the General Option.

Financial consideration

Are there additional costs associated with the FYPP?

There are no additional costs associated with FYPP.

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