Lower & Upper Canada Anesthesia Symposium
Montreal, Quebec, February 2-3, 2019
Fairmonth Queen Elizabeth II Hotel
Pre-Conference Workshops & PACT Meeting February 1st, 2019
Course Planning Committee:
Dr. Paul Wieczorek, Co-Chair, McGill University, Department of Anesthesia
Ryan Mahaffey, Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
Dr. Jason McVicar, Co-Chair, University of Ottawa, Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine
Dr. Glenio Mizubuti, Co-Chair, Queen's University, Department of Anesthesiology & Perioperative Medicine
For more information, please visit our website: muhc-cme.mcgill.ca
For more info contact:
kelly.glover [at] muhc.mcgill.ca (Kelly Glover)
Coordinator, McGill University Health Centre
Continuing Education Centre
Tel.: 514-934-1934
Ext. 44173
Fax: 514-934-1779
cme [at] muhc.mcgill.ca
franca.romano [at] muhc.mcgill.ca (L)lyne.bourassa [at] muhc.mcgill.ca (yne Bourassa)
Adminstrative Officer, McGill University Health Centre
Department of Anesthesia
Tel.: 514-934-1934
Ext. 36423
Fax: 514-843-1488