Hybrid event: Rafael Grohmann "Workers Governing Platforms and AI"

This is a hybrid event. Join in-person in Leacock 738 or online on Zoom: https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/81447328478
The talk articulates conversations between worker-owned technologies/platform cooperativism and AI/data/platform governance to discuss how workers can govern platforms and AI, building technologies and policies from below. Based on the theorization, it presents two cases, the Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil - through its technology division - and the Hollywood writers' strikes in the United States. This is part of a book proposal on the topic. Some details can also be seen in the recently published article "Not just platform, nor cooperatives: worker-owned technologies from below" (Communication, Culture & Critique).
About the speaker: Assistant Professor of Media Studies with focus on Critical Platform Studies at the University of Toronto. Leader of DigiLabour initiative and co-director of Critical Digital Methods Institute. Researcher of Fairwork and Platform Work Inclusion Living Lab (P-WILL) projects. Editor-in-chief of the forthcoming Platforms & Society journal. Rafael is leading a SSHRC project on worker-owned platforms and intersectionality in Latin America and working on a book project on how Homeless Worker Movement in Brazil is creating worker-owned technologies and organizing workers.